Prove that God doesn't exist.

Does God exist?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 63 59.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 44 41.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, disagreements do make the forum more interesting, but is it only theists that disagree?

Here's a question for Old Trapper and Mare both:

How is there a conflict between homosexuality and Christianity?

Aren't there Christian churches that have homosexuals in the priesthood?

Did you "how" or "why" is there conflict between homosexuality and Christianity?

In the Bible there six scriptures that modern Christians say refer to homosexuality and they say that it is condemned by God as an "abomination". Not all of the more than 4000 Christian sects agree, but the ones who do hate gays are very vocal and militant. They have been persecuting gays (especially gay men) for centuries despite the fact that early Christianity had no problem with homosexuality. In fact the Catholic church has a marriage ceremony called the Marriage of Likeness that was used to marry homosexuals, including two of the Saints. Along with gay hatred the Christian church has also embraced hatred and persecution of transsexual people for reasons that remain obscure since there is no mention of them anywhere in the Bible.

By some twisted kind of logic many Christians see equal rights for gay people as an attack on the Christian religion. The fact that Christianity in the main has been opposed to every new group given equality seems to have slipped the minds of our current crop of Christians. When women were given the right to own property the Christian church was against it and said that it would destroy marriage since women would not be able to controlled by their husbands. And that's just one example, there are many. Another good example is that many Christians said that black people were supposed to be slaves and they proved it by quoting Genesis 9:25-27. The Bible bans inter-faith marriages, and supposedly bans inter-racial ones too, so both of those things were fought tooth and nail when they came to pass.

As I have noted in my posts to DOT, the condemnation of gay men started when the writers of the Bible lifted parts of the Code of Hammurabi and put them into the Bible as the Law of Moses. Moses by the way was stolen from the Egyptians who had a much earlier famous guy named Mises who did many of the same things now attributed to Moses.
Did you "how" or "why" is there conflict between homosexuality and Christianity?

In the Bible there six scriptures that modern Christians say refer to homosexuality and they say that it is condemned by God as an "abomination". Not all of the more than 4000 Christian sects agree, but the ones who do hate gays are very vocal and militant. They have been persecuting gays (especially gay men) for centuries despite the fact that early Christianity had no problem with homosexuality. In fact the Catholic church has a marriage ceremony called the Marriage of Likeness that was used to marry homosexuals, including two of the Saints. Along with gay hatred the Christian church has also embraced hatred and persecution of transsexual people for reasons that remain obscure since there is no mention of them anywhere in the Bible.

By some twisted kind of logic many Christians see equal rights for gay people as an attack on the Christian religion. The fact that Christianity in the main has been opposed to every new group given equality seems to have slipped the minds of our current crop of Christians. When women were given the right to own property the Christian church was against it and said that it would destroy marriage since women would not be able to controlled by their husbands. And that's just one example, there are many. Another good example is that many Christians said that black people were supposed to be slaves and they proved it by quoting Genesis 9:25-27. The Bible bans inter-faith marriages, and supposedly bans inter-racial ones too, so both of those things were fought tooth and nail when they came to pass.

As I have noted in my posts to DOT, the condemnation of gay men started when the writers of the Bible lifted parts of the Code of Hammurabi and put them into the Bible as the Law of Moses. Moses by the way was stolen from the Egyptians who had a much earlier famous guy named Mises who did many of the same things now attributed to Moses.

Thanks, Mare. My question was why is there a conflict, and it appears you have explained it pretty well.

I hadn't heard of the Marriage of Likeness ceremony. I tried doing a search, and came up with an ad to buy a book on the subject, which I declined.

So, the Catholic Church once had a ceremony to marry homosexuals? Now, that's quite interesting. I wonder how many modern Catholics know about it?

Of course, there are some churches who don't preach that homosexuality is an "abomination". I believe the Episcopalians, for example, have openly gay clergy, don't they?
Thanks, Mare. My question was why is there a conflict, and it appears you have explained it pretty well.

I hadn't heard of the Marriage of Likeness ceremony. I tried doing a search, and came up with an ad to buy a book on the subject, which I declined.

So, the Catholic Church once had a ceremony to marry homosexuals? Now, that's quite interesting. I wonder how many modern Catholics know about it?

Of course, there are some churches who don't preach that homosexuality is an "abomination". I believe the Episcopalians, for example, have openly gay clergy, don't they?

Yes, a number churches have no problem with gay people. I have a copy of the book, it's called THE MARRIAGE OF LIKENESS by John Boswell. Very few Christians have any knowledge of the history of their religion--including our resident Doctor of Theology. Theology schools don't teach about the long history of Christian-like religions, they just teach the intermediate to current history.
I think Gipper is a bot programmed with all the knowledge and personality of the Alzheimer's ridden Ronald Reagan--hence his poor quality, repetitive, sexist, partisan posts. The poor bot doesn't have much to work with.

I find it funny that Reagan had to be hidden in the last years of his life [and during his presidency] do to his alzheimers. However, movie stars are good at lying. To bad you could actually see his nose growing. Sort of a dead giveaway...
My Mother in Law, now long dead, used to call ole Ronnie the gypper. He gypped everyone because he promised more than he delivered, and was not what he pretended to be. He sold shody goods. Gypped people.
I think Gipper is a bot programmed with all the knowledge and personality of the Alzheimer's ridden Ronald Reagan--hence his poor quality, repetitive, sexist, partisan posts. The poor bot doesn't have much to work with.

That is a personal attack my sweet Mare. I would never do that to you my sweet. My love and respect for you is like a vast ocean and yet, you treat me like an old mange dog.

As the great Marvin Gaye once said...

When a man loves a woman, can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll change the world, for the good thing he's found
If she is bad he can see it, she can do no wrong
Turn his back on his bestfriend, if he put her down​

I will sleep out in the rain for you Mare.
That is a personal attack my sweet Mare. I would never do that to you my sweet. My love and respect for you is like a vast ocean and yet, you treat me like an old mange dog.

As the great Marvin Gaye once said...

When a man loves a woman, can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll change the world, for the good thing he's found
If she is bad he can see it, she can do no wrong
Turn his back on his bestfriend, if he put her down​

I will sleep out in the rain for you Mare.
And your posts are sexist, so what? Respect is earned not given, so far in my experience you have posted nothing but sexist tripe (see above) or sillyness about Reagan. Perhaps you could gain the respect of others if you actually wrote out something original, made valid points, provided links for support, drew some conclusions, and/or made some recommendations for making the world a better place.

Ronnie was a good after dinner speaker, but he had Alzheimer's Disease and was a figurehead President at best. I voted for him the first time because I thought we needed a change--just as with Obie--but--just as with Obie--I was disappointed by his actions.
And your posts are sexist, so what? Respect is earned not given, so far in my experience you have posted nothing but sexist tripe (see above) or sillyness about Reagan. Perhaps you could gain the respect of others if you actually wrote out something original, made valid points, provided links for support, drew some conclusions, and/or made some recommendations for making the world a better place.

Ronnie was a good after dinner speaker, but he had Alzheimer's Disease and was a figurehead President at best. I voted for him the first time because I thought we needed a change--just as with Obie--but--just as with Obie--I was disappointed by his actions.

Well Mare I do find you sooooooooooo sexy. Maybe I should have cited the magical words of Billy Idol rather than Marvin to properly please you...

In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"
In the midnight hour babe- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried "more, more, more"
More, more, more.

Oh yeah little angel
she want more
More, more, more, more, more.

Oh yeah little angel
she want more
More, more, more, more.​

And you silly libs love to claim Reagan had alzheimers during his presidency. This is a typical lie promoted by the left elites and believed by the drones. Here is Reagan giving his farewell speech. Apparently libs don't know anything about alzheimers...too!!!!!

And you silly libs love to claim Reagan had alzheimers during his presidency. This is a typical lie promoted by the left elites and believed by the drones. Here is Reagan giving his farewell speech. Apparently lefties don't know anything about alzheimers...too.

Well, I guess Reagan could still read, because the old absent minded fool used a teleprompter...or did you FORGET that?

Reagan sure managed to forget a lot about ContraGate

If he didn't have Alzenheimer's, he sure lied a lot. That, and Ollie North, is all that kept him from being impeached.

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