proof that harris is a commie hahahahahah

Yes it was founded by Christians
If not what was the majority religion? Why were there Christian churches everywhere? What other religion had houses of worship everywhere?
But not as a theocracy
It was not founded as a Christian country. It's a country with lots of Christians.

The father's went to great lengths to keep .religion out of the constitution except for having the right to worship what you like.
Which one has rebelled against god?
Which one has heard gods decisions and requests?

If it comes down to Harris and Trump only, which will you chose.
I will not vote for Harris because she threw the book at David Daleidan for exposing Planned Parenthood's illegal practice of profiting in the sale of baby body parts. Kamala is a committed leftist supporter of the mass murder of unborn babies.
I think you have the founders of the USA confused with the pilgrims.

Yes the pilgrims established a christian theocracy with the monarchy in England.

That was the 13 British colonies. NOT the USA. Yes it was the same land but two very different nations.

The pilgrims did establish a christian theocratic monarchy with king George. These were the same people who burned women at the stake for being a witch. They are also the people who put people in public stocks and beat them. They were also the people who believed the world was flat and nearly destroyed many native Indian tribes on the east coast. Mostly with disease like small pox.

They were also the people who supported the theocratic monarchy and persecuted the founders of the USA. Some of the Bill of Rights is because of persecution the founders experienced from those who supported the christian theocratic monarchy.

The founders of the USA came much later. The founders of the USA didn't establish a nation based on christianity. They purposely separated religion from government in the constitution. They knew what happens when religion makes laws and runs our courts. Women being burned at the stake for being a witch is a good example of the result of christian theocratic law.

The USA is a secular society with laws based on and for humans. Not any religion.
So you are claiming the founders who brought slavery into the US were not Christians? I tend to agree with you.
God you are stupid
It was founded by Christians I have been very clear on that
And Christians supported slavery by law and gay persecution
Jesus said many who call themselves Christians are not really Christians at all. True Christians know that hatred of blacks and mistreatment of others is a sin that angers God.
Yes a secular nation officially
But the vast majority were Christians
And slavery was protected by law
And gay persecution too
Therefore slavery and gay persecution are traditional values of Christians
Or they wouldn't be part of our original legal system
True Christians are very different from fake Christians. Christians did not invent the passages in the Bible where God condemns sodomy and sexual promiscuity and perversion.
I will not vote for Harris because she threw the book at David Daleidan for exposing Planned Parenthood's illegal practice of profiting in the sale of baby body parts. Kamala is a committed leftist supporter of the mass murder of unborn babies.
But you would say that because you're a republican.
Committed to the mass murder of unborn babies or allowing women to control their bodies and keep religion out of it?
Because that's where the anti abortion thing originates. Your filthy religion
God does not support slavery, greed, lying, murder, oppression, religious persecution, or other evils.
The Biblical character known as "God" has NOTHING TO SAY against slavery. Paul told slaves to be obedient even to the cruelest of masters. Jesus LIED about the time of his second coming, and the Biblical character known as God had very little to say against same sex in the Old Testament and nothing against it in the New Testament. As for religious intolerance, groups who worshipped pagan deities were often exterminated by the Biblical character known as "God".

Trump once bragged about how he was not a Christian and that was a business advantage that he had over others. He is the biggest liar in American history: he has married three women and cheated on all of them, and has been identified as rapey in a court of law.
Kamala a far better keeper of Christian values than Trump.
So you are claiming the founders who brought slavery into the US were not Christians? I tend to agree with you.
They claimed they were Christians. There were dozens of books written that claimed to prove that Black people (descendants of Ham) were cursed forever because HE HAD SEEN HIS FATHER NOAH'S SHLONG! Shem and Japheth properly averted their eyes. That is why Black people (Hamites) were fit only to be hewers of wood and carriers of water.
Even if it is a sin for a son to see his father naked, what sort of justice is it to be the grandson of a man who saw his grandfather naked? Was that the sort of sin that caused the Biblical character known as "God" to drown almost the entire human race and most of its land animals as well?

If you had a dog that bit the mailman once, you might be inclined to kick it, perhaps even daily. But would you kick its grandpuppies os great grandpuppies? I doubt it, because (duh!) it MAKES NO SENSE. And the Bblical character known as "God" is supposed to be a perfect being.

The Bible does not explain how it was that Ham had darker skin than Shem of Japheth. Pro slavery Biblical "scholars" in the antebellum South claim that the moment that Ham saw his father naked, *POW!* he was slapped with the celestial tarbrush. Really, I have read these books, I know what they said.

Jefferson, Franklin and Adams are best described as Deists. They thought the Creator just created the universe and then walked away and did not interfere in human activities. Washington was a more devout Anglican, as were many other of the founding fathers.
Jesus said many who call themselves Christians are not really Christians at all. True Christians know that hatred of blacks and mistreatment of others is a sin that angers God.
Stupid post
All you do is declare people to not be true Christians in an attempt to ignore their evil behavior
The Bible condones genocide slavery and gay persecution
It's evil and you defend it
Jesus said many who call themselves Christians are not really Christians at all. True Christians know that hatred of blacks and mistreatment of others is a sin that angers God.

Jesus said NOTHING about any group called "Christians" Jesus in his lifetime was NEVER referred to as Christ. He did not use the word at all.

Jesus said nothing about White people or Black people or race at all.
The least popular group for the Jews in Jesus' time were the Samaritans. They were Jews with several divergent beliefs and practices.
Believe it or not, there STILL ARE SAMARITANS. Somewhat fewer than a thousand of them still live in Israel and the West Bank (aka Samaria, hence the name. Just Google Samaritans and learn all about them.
But you would say that because you're a republican.
Committed to the mass murder of unborn babies or allowing women to control their bodies and keep religion out of it?
Because that's where the anti abortion thing originates. Your filthy religion
Murderers may desire the murder of Jews, blacks, cops, whites, republicans, or unborn babies for whatever evil reason, but murder is still wrong.
Murderers may desire the murder of Jews, blacks, cops, whites, republicans, or unborn babies for whatever evil reason, but murder is still wrong.
The Biblical character known as "God" was quite fond of ordering the Hebrews to murder members of other tribes. Several Biblical prophets thought that sassy children deserved lethal stoning if they wised off to their elders.
Murderers may desire the murder of Jews, blacks, cops, whites, republicans, or unborn babies for whatever evil reason, but murder is still wrong.
No one is disputing murder. I'm talking about a woman having the same freedom to control her and her foetus how she likes without interference from some ratbag godbotherer on a crusade to do gods work. It's bullshyt.

When was any restrictions placed on men about their bodies? Let's castrate them to stop siring kids because it's against gods will. How's that sound to you? You wouldn't object if you believed god said it's ok?

It's demented old POS like you that are destroying humanity with the god crap. The progression of the human race is faltering because some god must be considered first when it doesn't exist in the first place and never has. Deluded old fools belch gods wishes as if they have direct contact. Don't make me vomit.