Except for one small problem... I can't stand him
you're a conservative, right? if so, you have a legitimate reason not to like him-- you agree on practically nothing.
i'm just beyond tired of people talking like saying "57 states" and the like is some sort of fatal flaw that proves he sucks. like i said, mccain has shown repeated poor understanding of the players in the middle east, and admitted poor understanding of the economy. hillary clinton is an insane, power-hungry, pathological liar.
obama? well maybe you don't agree with what he plans to do, but if so, let's talk about THAT instead of, "secret black muslim with racist scary black pastor who won't wear a lapel pin and hates the national anthem and wants us to live under sharia law, and he doesn't know how many states there are and hates his grandmother and he hopped up on goofballs and and and..."
i'm not over here talking about how mccain was involved in the keating five and cheated on his first wife with his second wife and called his second wife a "c*nt" in public, am i? (well, i am now, but you know what i mean.) because it's not important.