President OBAMA????

This is really disappointing to read. Your really not going into that direction are you? It wont be pretty.

I would not have said this 6 months ago. But the last few months I have seen something different.

Before I would have said Perhaps Obama could be ethical on some things lets wait and see.....but now I have seen he will not be.

As for his supporters. And I do not mean democrats who will vote for him if he happens to be their nominee. I mean die hard Obama supporters. In the last 6 months or less I have seen they are no different than Obama himself.

He can do, say, twist anything he wants and his supporters will back him and make up any excuse for him.

I have yet to see a die hard supporter of his say you know that was wrong on his end but it wasn’t enough for me to stop supporting. Instead they lower their own ethical ideas and try to lower ours by justifying any and everything he does. I can not respect that!

So.... sad as it is, and I agree it’s sad......I think he and his campaign and the (die hard) supporters of him lack ethics.
I would not have said this 6 months ago. But the last few months I have seen something different.

Before I would have said Perhaps Obama could be ethical on some things lets wait and see.....but now I have seen he will not be.

As for his supporters. And I do not mean democrats who will vote for him if he happens to be their nominee. I mean die hard Obama supporters. In the last 6 months or less I have seen they are no different than Obama himself.

He can do, say, twist anything he wants and his supporters will back him and make up any excuse for him.

I have yet to see a die hard supporter of his say you know that was wrong on his end but it wasn’t enough for me to stop supporting. Instead they lower their own ethical ideas and try to lower ours by justifying any and everything he does. I can not respect that!

So.... sad as it is, and I agree it’s sad......I think he and his campaign and the (die hard) supporters of him lack ethics.

She's right Bunz...list 5 things on Obama you don't like and prove us wrong.:)
...and you know this to be true? Maybe he's been forgetful his entire life.

I only know that is the reality as it stands now. I hope he hasn't always been afflicted but I guess it's possible. It's probably very uncomfortable for him. But I'm only looking at this in the context of is he really in good shape all the way around. I think it's obvious if anyone really watches him... he's really marginal at best.

He says things that make ya wonder what the heck were you thinking and completely forgets major things he's said in the past.
You mean the lie..Thatcher, Clinton, Kerry...and a multitude of others believed in long before there were any thoughts of the war? That lie?

...and it's you're delivery of excessive animated BS that makes it look simple.

What's the difference between all those other people & Bush/Cheney? I'll be glad to tell you what it is. Even though they intensely disliked the Hussein regime they didn't cook the books to give cause to invade.

That's a huge difference.
What's the difference between all those other people & Bush/Cheney? I'll be glad to tell you what it is. Even though they intensely disliked the Hussein regime they didn't cook the books to give cause to invade.

That's a huge difference.

they had reason to invade Iraq for years. Saddam played cat n mouse with weapons inspectors, violation of no-fly zones, violation of UN resolutions. We could have bombed Iraq anytime within an 8 yr. period. Saddam signed on to honor these conditions in agreement we wouldn't penetrate Baghdad back in Iraq 1.
The only candidate that is worthy of POTUS is RON PAUL!

Obama advocates more military, i think he wants to increase the troops an additional +60,000 bodies.. My question is why?

Clinton attends Bilderburg meetings- AKA the new world order conspirators(as some have called it).

Mccain........ lmao, do i have to say anything here?

I'm writing RON PAUL on my ballet! I agree with almost everything he says. If you want change than RON PAUL is your man! Obama, is very charismatic, charming, etc, but he comes off more of a preacher to me than a savvy president!!

JMHO (I know I'm going to get grief for this post!)JMHO
It would have been more preferable had you responded to post #18, considering that you and several other like minded individuals on this board seem to think that the exclusion of Mi and Fla. is the difference in the race.
Thanks for the explanation in post 18. It explains a lot about the situation and the inevitability of the OBama nomination.
However, you explanatory post 18 was not showing on my machine at the time I made the latter post, now post 19 (which is "The question is will the change be 'real change' and for the better of all or will it be the 'same ol same ol' masquerading as change which will only support the political and financial status quo."), about questioning how much real political change is actually in the future irregardless of who wins and irregardless of the current promises made by the candidates on either side. From what I've been hearing all the candidates are promising some kind of 'change'. However, DC being the way it is, seems to be very comfortable in maintaining the current status quo when it comes to doing the business of politics and could be very resistant to any so called 'new bipartisan ideas'.
I was just wondering out loud and not knocking OBama in particular; just all the Presidental candidates in general.
they had reason to invade Iraq for years. Saddam played cat n mouse with weapons inspectors, violation of no-fly zones, violation of UN resolutions. We could have bombed Iraq anytime within an 8 yr. period. Saddam signed on to honor these conditions in agreement we wouldn't penetrate Baghdad back in Iraq 1.

What Hussein was doing was bluffing his enemy to the north Iran. Hey he was a dick head no doubt. Still doesn't excuse the big lie of going in under false pretense. We have over 4000 dead boys and hundreds of billions in debt to show for this boondoggle.
I'm saying Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 and if wacko religious zealots like Reverend Hagee had their way America would be run by a Christian type of Taliban. :eek:

You're completely incoherent. Here, let me try a "Top Gun" post (the name drips with irony :))

McCain is runnin with the the Neocons - black helicopters, I tell you - (belch!) - That Rev. Hagee had his fingers in the suprime till - where da ya think the electoral college come from? Bush started it, him, skull an bones, and th' Klan. Now, take 9-11. Please. Why were all the neocons out of new york when it happened - huh? HUH? Tell THAT to Rev. Haggee. But It's all about oil, and the neocons recruited Saddam - you know THAT, don't you?? Right now, right this moment, they're pumping Iraq's vital juices away - does the words DONALD RUMSFELD come to mind? Do I have ta tell ya everything? Somebody get me a beer. Where was I?
You're completely incoherent. Here, let me try a "Top Gun" post (the name drips with irony :))

McCain is runnin with the the Neocons - black helicopters, I tell you - (belch!) - That Rev. Hagee had his fingers in the suprime till - where da ya think the electoral college come from? Bush started it, him, skull an bones, and th' Klan. Now, take 9-11. Please. Why were all the neocons out of new york when it happened - huh? HUH? Tell THAT to Rev. Haggee. But It's all about oil, and the neocons recruited Saddam - you know THAT, don't you?? Right now, right this moment, they're pumping Iraq's vital juices away - does the words DONALD RUMSFELD come to mind? Do I have ta tell ya everything? Somebody get me a beer. Where was I?

Here's one that's extremely simple to understand. You'll see it a lot the day after the election.
