PRCalif State Assy passes ban on openly carrying gun, even if unloaded

What will NEVER happen is the US military massacring the American people. That was one of my points.

What will happen here is leftist politicians demanding we give up their arms so they can impose their tyrannical will upon us. As has happened in many western nations such as UK, Aussie, New Zealand, etc. That will happen here if not stopped. You think it will not happen here. Yes?

Thirdly, as many great man have stated over the ages, an armed populace is the one of the best prevention against tyrants.

paranoia paranoia everybody coming to get la la la laaaa.......

you realy don't see how you keep contradicting yourself do you...But go play army man in the woods, pretend your the big man, your going to fight the goverment! I think someone watched to much Red Dawn or something here.

Its paranoid crazy people like you who say crap like this that makes gun owners look like nut jobs. There is not some evil liberal government out to steal your guns so it can take over...there is not Right wing one as well. If they did want think your little pea shooter would protect fat chance...
What will NEVER happen is the US military massacring the American people. That was one of my points.

What will happen here is leftist politicians demanding we give up their arms so they can impose their tyrannical will upon us. As has happened in many western nations such as UK, Aussie, New Zealand, etc. That will happen here if not stopped. You think it will not happen here. Yes?

Thirdly, as many great man have stated over the ages, an armed populace is the one of the best prevention against tyrants.

also yea,...the "Tyranny of the UK and Australia..O god the horror" It must suck to live in a Democracy like that...

By the way,
The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people
Austria 3.70
New Zealand 2.38
Scotland 0.54; England and Wales 0.41 for the UK..hell Northern Ireland 6.63 even...and they have the IRA Orangemen, Ulster Brigade ext....

Ever think, maybe the people of those Democracy like having less then a 1/4 of the gun deaths we do?
also yea,...the "Tyranny of the UK and Australia..O god the horror" It must suck to live in a Democracy like that...

By the way,
The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people
Austria 3.70
New Zealand 2.38
Scotland 0.54; England and Wales 0.41 for the UK..hell Northern Ireland 6.63 even...and they have the IRA Orangemen, Ulster Brigade ext....

Ever think, maybe the people of those Democracy like having less then a 1/4 of the gun deaths we do?

Once again you change the subject after losing the previous debate. Are you libs trained in this technique from birth?

Gun deaths have nothing to do with the discussion.
Once again you change the subject after losing the previous debate. Are you libs trained in this technique from birth?

Gun deaths have nothing to do with the discussion.

yes it does
you cry tyranny,...yet it never gets in your head ..That maybe the people of those Democracys don't want guns ? Maybe there is some maybe, they don't get killed by them in record numbers like here in the US...

Its funny, to you and others...anything that is not what you want..regardless how many more do want Tyranny....

Just say you hate Democracy and want a right wing dictatorship so you don't ever have to deal with anyone else actually not agreeing with your little world view.

you make a pathetic Debate for Guns...that is horribly me, someone who actually has no problem with people owning guns provided some sane regulation. Just think how bad you sound to those who actuly want to get rid of guns...quite the winner
yes it does
you cry tyranny,...yet it never gets in your head ..That maybe the people of those Democracys don't want guns ? Maybe there is some maybe, they don't get killed by them in record numbers like here in the US...

Its funny, to you and others...anything that is not what you want..regardless how many more do want Tyranny....

Just say you hate Democracy and want a right wing dictatorship so you don't ever have to deal with anyone else actually not agreeing with your little world view.

you make a pathetic Debate for Guns...that is horribly me, someone who actually has no problem with people owning guns provided some sane regulation. Just think how bad you sound to those who actuly want to get rid of guns...quite the winner

Again gun deaths have nothing to do with government tyranny.

But, since you raise this issue I will destroy your position...again.

Do you really believe banning guns results in fewer gun deaths? I mean where is your head at??? Do you think criminals will turn in their guns? DC and Chicago had or have gun bans and yet surprise surprise...guns deaths continue. does that happen:eek:

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