There you go. It is now a simple exercise to determining how much of homo-eroticism is attributable to a genetic predisposition and how much on environmental factors.
Care to venture an intelligent guess?
No, and you? We don't have enough information to start announcing how much of what causes homosexuality, almost all the science of this century is showing a genetic basis, or a hormonal condition controlled by the fetal genetic pattern, or fat-soluble chemical influence (dioxin, PCB's, etc.). Instead of signing up with you and the Pope to persecute these people I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and treat them as I would like to be treated--since there is no inherent harm involved--and wait for the science. I know that's not very Christian of me, I really should preach hate and exclusion, but I'm just not into it.
But the thing is, the pope's pronouncement about homosexuality is based on humanae vitae. Talk about barking at the wrong tree!
Sorry, Nums, I didn't realize that it superceded the authority of the Bible.
More nonsense. The time the us is abolished as a political entity for its participation in past sins, and all western democracies for that matter -- that would be the time your post would have any merit.
Your analogy fails because we freed the black people and you are still persecuting people on the basis of religious dogma. We've learned and moved forward, you and the Church are still banking on the "doctrine of infallibility". When the Pope publicly states that the Church doesn't know what causes homosexuality and suspends all restrictions on homosexual people, when he calls for an end to the stigma and the pervading climate of hatred, and when he calls for an end to the violence--whether physical or legal, then I will stop fighting the senseless Catholic bigotry.
Now, the fact that you continue to reap benefit from your political order without so much as a peep, a politcal order built on top of the suffering of not only blacks, but all sorts of people with different ethnicity, while rabidly attacking the catholic church -- that would be a very good example of hypocrisy.
As I noted, we freed our slaves, gave women equal rights, gave blacks equal rights, and now we are once again trying to improve our human rights record by giving homosexaul and transsexual people equal rights. And just like in the past, here is the Church standing directly in our path demanding that we continue the persecution. The words used by the Catholic Church prosecutors in the Joan of Arc trial are still being used today by the Church to condemn people who are different--DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE CHURCH DOESN'T KNOW WHY THEY ARE DIFFERENT.
The hypocrisy is in the followers of Jesus promoting hatred and persecution from a position of ignorance (please note your first quote in this post) instead of leading the way and setting an example of loving others as yourself.
I stated a moral law by which people should strive to abide. What's hypocritical about that, hmmm?
The hypocrisy is in doing one thing and saying another.
The categorical imperative is merely a logical formulation of the commandment of love. They are the SAME thing, stated in different ways.
Right here you talk about the commandment of love, while promolgating the very opposite by persecuting people who are different for reasons of which YOU admit that you are ignorant (see your first quote in this post).
What I said about an individual's conscience is entirely consistent. It is quite possible that a conscience becomes defective or (in the case of dawk) simply ignorant. That is why the church needs to teach, from time to time.
But in many cases the Church has been wrong (slavery, subjugation of women, destruction of indigenous cultures, violence like the Inquisition and the burning people at the stake, Nazi collusion, and sheltering pedophile priests), but you still are marching boldly ahead condemning people that even YOU admit are different for reasons you don't understand. Infallibility, my ass! You and your Church have run roughshod over humanity for centuries and this is just another examply of arrogant hypocrisy since you still condemn after admitting ignorance of the causes.
And your statements regarding the rc are convenient lies. If that were true, then there is aboslutely no need for the millenium apology. In fact it is a serious blow to the doctrine of infallibility, something jp2 felt was irrelevant compared to the DICTATES OF HIS CONSCIENCE.
The apology appears hypocritical in that the behaviors for which he is apologizing are still being manifested every day. It's fine and dandy to apologize to people you murdered in the past, it's another thing entirely to stop murdering today. The Pope's message of condemnation makes him complicit in the killings and beatings and rapes of homosexual and transsexual people all over the world.
Oh, and I heard they were reopening the trial of gallileo in a whole new, and hopefully, more enlightened perspective.
Well, I know this impresses me, how many centuries has this man been dead now? Maybe you guys should work on cleaning up your act with the people who are still alive, hmmmm?
Fact: Humanae vitae was promulgated by john paul vi on july 25, 1968.
Fact: Saints Sergius and Bacchus (also Serge and Bacchus or Sergios kai Bakchos or Sarkis wa Bakhos), were third century Roman soldiers who are commemorated as martyrs by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches.
Question: What do you suppose does a modern encyclical have to do with a pair of 3rd century saints?
In it the Pope reinforced a policy that is antithetical to the practice of the Catholic Church for its first 14 centuries of existence. The gay people who will become the Catholic Saints of this century are right now being persecuted by the very Church that married and blessed them when Bacchus and Serge were alive.
And what apparently cannot penetrate that thick skull of yours is that it makes NO SENSE giving special rights and privileges on the basis of an individual's SEXUAL PREFERENCE.
Yes! And I'm glad you finally figured that out. So heterosexaul couples should NOT be given special rights not available to all other consenting adults based on their sexual orientation. We finally agree, thank you.