Poor Lil' Marky Francis = Cover BLOWN!!!!!

the maggots in your drug filled head yep they look like that.
While democrats continue their full-bore frontal assault on Trump with all sorts of election interference tactics like assassination attempts and bogus court cases, they continue their lying dummass false narratives about Russians.
360_F_713577098_IQ1WleoxnjqyHG4UcWCuwRAAOPvYzZkp[1].webp While democrats continue their full-bore frontal assault on Trump with all sorts of election interference tactics like assassination attempts and bogus court cases......

Hate to interrupt you....but....
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The reason why childcare is important is that it allows women to have careers and to contribute to the prosperity of the nation. Trump and Vance know nothing about childcare and would prefer to slash taxes on corporations. And THAT will raise the national debt. Trump's stupid tariffs will raise the cost of living $1600 per family on average, and in addition, Trump will not assist with childcare.
The reason why childcare is important is that it allows women to have careers and to contribute to the prosperity of the nation. Trump and Vance know nothing about childcare and would prefer to slash taxes on corporations. And THAT will raise the national debt. Trump's stupid tariffs will raise the cost of living $1600 per family on average, and in addition, Trump will not assist with childcare.
Lazy and greedy bums demand that the government pay for all their needs because if they have to make the payments themselves that will be unpleasant for them.
What people actually do is they refuse to have children because they cannot afford to have them.

Now you are saying that anyone that wants assistance in raising children is greedy and lazy?
But you want to FORCE them to have children they do not want, including children born with expensive birth defects that they will have to pay for?