Political themed memes, cartoons, pics

Yeah, he invented cancer, AIDS, Covid, smallpox, leprosy, Guinea worms, river blindness and ove a thousand varieties of parasitic wasps. That "God" guy is a real hoot. And his act with Job? Classic comedy!
He didn't invent those things. We did. You are so angry at God. Do you think he's done something to you? He's done a lot of good things for you.
Yeah, he invented cancer, AIDS, Covid, smallpox, leprosy, Guinea worms, river blindness and ove a thousand varieties of parasitic wasps. That "God" guy is a real hoot. And his act with Job? Classic comedy!
Don't be stupid. Evolutionists don't believe that for a moment. They believe natural selection powered by the survival of the fittest created those things for the benefit of the strongest who are destined to survive.

Darwin shared his twisted thoughts in his book, The Descent of Man. Here are quotes:

The taste for the beautiful, at least as far as female • beauty is concerned, is not of a special nature in the human mind ; for it differs widely in the different races of man, as will hereafter be shown, and is not quite the same even in the different nations of the same race. Judging from the hideous ornaments and the equally hideous music admired by most savages, it might be urged that their asthetic faculty was not so highly developed as in certain . animals, for instance, in birds. Obviously no animal would be capable of admiring such scenes as the heavens at night, a beautiful landscape, or refined music ; but such high tastes, depending as they do on culture and complex associations, are not enjoyed by barbarians or by uneducated persons.

Most savages are utterly indifferent to the sufferings of strangers, or even delight in witnessing them. ..

Sympathy beyond the confines of man, that is, humanity to the lower animals, seems to be one of the latest moral acquisitions. It is apparently unfelt by savages, except toward their pets. ...

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Prof Schaaffhauson has remarked," will no doubt be exterminated. Tlic break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.
What is the reason for the little changes of faces on butter boxes, syrup bottles and cereal boxes that us poor right wing knuckledragging neanderthal right wingers don't get?

its not surprising you dont understand simple concepts, but as you said, you are a right wing knucklegragger lol.
Evolution has come a very long way since Charles Darwin. Darwin believed, as did most White men of his time that "savages" were inferior, but he knew very little about them, in the same way that Mark Francis is ignorant and essentially a White supremacist.

Mark knows nothing of advances in evolution, all he knows is that he "wasn't descended from no monkey."
Evolution has come a very long way since Charles Darwin. Darwin believed, as did most White men of his time that "savages" were inferior, but he knew very little about them, in the same way that Mark Francis is ignorant and essentially a White supremacist.

Mark knows nothing of advances in evolution, all he knows is that he "wasn't descended from no monkey."
Evolution has come a long way from the days of openly showcasing black savages in cages with monkeys in public displays of revered evolutionist beliefs.
Evolution has come a long way from the days of openly showcasing black savages in cages with monkeys in public displays of revered evolutionist beliefs.

yes, science improves over time, as opposed to mindless religious dogma
maybe you are finally becoming less of a science *****? time will tell
He didn't invent those things. We did. You are so angry at God. Do you think he's done something to you? He's done a lot of good things for you.
Of COURSE he did! If God created the Universe, he created each and every virus, insect pest, disease and disaster that happens in the entire universe.

I am not mad at God the Creator, because there is no such entity. But if there were, of course, he's guilty of creating Satan, and all diseases.
yes, science improves over time, as opposed to mindless religious dogma
maybe you are finally becoming less of a science *****? time will tell
I am happy to observe the constant rewriting of evolutionist myths as old myths become extinct due to more recent scientific revelations.
[Background: in the Soviet Union, if you fought in the 'Great Patriotic War'
against the Nazis, you were allowed to wear your medals on your civilian clothes.]

A man, a veteran of WWII, is sent out by his wife to try to buy some meat.
At the butcher shop, he stands in a long queue for several hours.
The people in the queue wait patiently ... only to be told by the shop's manager
at the end of the day, that, unfortunately, there will be no meat delivered that day.

As the disappointed people in the queue begin to disperse, the old veteran snaps.
"NO MEAT? NO MEAT?: What in the hell did I risk my life in the war for?
So my family could eat potatoes? NO MEAT??? I'll bet those fat motherf*****s
up in the Kremlin have meat tonight!! I'll bet they never have to eat potatoes!!!!"

The people around him back fearfully away ... and then ... what they fear, actually happens.

A large heavy-set man in a camel-hair overcoat (KGB garb) appears, claps his arm
around the complainer's shoulders, and says grimly, "Come with me, comrade!!!"
He roughly steers the man -- now shaking with fear -- over to an alley,
and pushes him up against a wall.

He says, "Now look here, comrade! We all know that these are difficult times,
due to the American imperialists. You of all people, a veteran of the
Great Patriotic War, should know how to endure hard times!
But what you said was TREASON!
Now ... in view of your service ... I'm going to let you go... just this once....
and consider yourself lucky, comrade ... you know what would have happened to
you under Comrade Stalin, in the old days, don't you?!"
And he makes his hand into the shape of a pistol and says, "Pow!"

The man, his knees turned to water, makes his way home.
As he enters his flat, his wife says, "Did you get any meat?"
"No," he replies.
"So they're out of meat?" she asks.
"Oh, it's worse than that," he says.
"Worse than that?" she says incredulously.
"How can it be worse than that?"
And he replies ....

"They're out of bullets!!"
Of COURSE he did! If God created the Universe, he created each and every virus, insect pest, disease and disaster that happens in the entire universe.

I am not mad at God the Creator, because there is no such entity. But if there were, of course, he's guilty of creating Satan, and all diseases.
I am happy to allow the dumb and dumber to think natural selection gave them sicknesses, death, and life-threatening beasts, varmets and insects.