Political talking heads. Who do you like?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
The people's republic of Eugene
Political talking heads. Who do you like?

Or… who do you dislike

I like most of them on both sides.

My conservative favorites are

Laura Ingraham
Bill Crystal
Michael Medved

My favorite non partisan talkers is

Juan Williams

My favorite liberal hosts are

Chris Mathews
Bill Press
Rachel Maddow
Randi Rhodes

I really don’t care for

Sean Hannity
Allan Colmes

Ed Shultz
The guy who is always talking to Stephanie Miller
Keith Olbermann
Dan Abrams

Out of all of the above the only ones I really trust what they say, without double checking are

Juan Williams
Michael Medved

Who do you like, dislike and trust?
Lessee, ok here we go:

I like Chris Mathews because he asks a lot of questions and pins them down for an answer. Also, Keith Olbermann when he does the "Worse Person in the WORLD! I think Bill O'Reilly is too hot-headed.
Folks I like:
Chris Matthews, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs is alright, Dan Abrams is alright, not sure if he qualifies, but I enjoy Colbert when I get a chance to watch, same goes for the Daily Show.
Folks I dont care for: Carville, Hannity, OReilly, Nancy Grace, Then there are the ones who have no business in being in broadcasting, the amateurs or the ones with a face made for radio.
Lessee, ok here we go:

I like Chris Mathews because he asks a lot of questions and pins them down for an answer. Also, Keith Olbermann when he does the "Worse Person in the WORLD! I think Bill O'Reilly is too hot-headed.

I'd add to your list Tim Russert, Stephanie Miller & Ed Shultz... and of course the comedy stylings of Stewart & Colbert.

Matthews & Russert are serious political news people. Olbermann, Miller and Shultz are good at fighting back & promoting the Left side. Stewart & Colbert take political satire to a whole new level!
I like
Chris Matthews. One of the few who makes them actuly respond to the question, not give a lame response that does not, and then just move on.
Jim Lehrer- Newhour...aka only way to get news that will not make your brain turn to much without Cable.
Keith Olbermann, Put Bush Co. and Fox on the ropes and just pound them. Call him partisan, but I dare you to call him wrong :) Personally I don't think he is so much partisan, as just really hates the Bush Admin, who many republicans do.
Pat Buchanan, always give a good old school Conservative view, and backs his stuff up, unlike some...
Chris Tucker---I just think he lightened up and is far less of a hack now then when on Crossfire. So I can watch him now, and not agree still.

Don't like

Abrams most of the time, just boring, I mean he does a good job but not fun to watch.

Bill O...facts are not needed ever. One of the first in news I think to really believe that if you yell louder, and cut off the other guys mike, somehow you are correct....notice how on MSNBC or CNN its rare to see someone lose there mike...Fox seems to threaten at least all the time, most of the time Bill. His war on Christmas Crap a year or 2 ago was a joke...Booo they say happy Holidays not Merry Christmas....Sorry company's felt the need to thank Jews and others as well who had holidays at the same time. Also your own store sold Happy Holidays stuff, not Christmas...Your goons actually yelled at me at work for that crap when i did not say it to them. One more reason I hate Christmas...Christians...( ok only some like that)

Fox news overall...Bill O just gets Special Billing. Its not news, its a hack job. there is a Difference between being a right wing news station, and being nothing but a republican mouthpiece whit shotty journalism.

Favs to see interviewed
Joe Biden...always great, this man should be be VP ( actually I think the top, but to late)
Bill Mahr, always a good time
Chuck Hagel ...See Joe Biden even if he is a Republican would make a good VP of at least in the Cabinet for Obama.
Michael Scheuer, though its not often I see him on TV, has 2 great books, and 1 ok one ( his third not as impressive) (former head of the Bin laden Unit in the CIA)

Ann Coulter...really, why is this Facsist getting air time? if she lay dieing in the street I would just watch her and get a lawn chair and a beer. Not that I hold strong opinions on her.....
I like

Ann Coulter...really, why is this Facsist getting air time? if she lay dieing in the street I would just watch her and get a lawn chair and a beer. Not that I hold strong opinions on her.....

I know exactly what ya mean. Some people are biased. Some people are biased and funny.

Coultergist is just a miserable excuse for a human being. I mean to psychological proportions.

The lady (and I'm not 100% sure that's not an Adams apple:eek:) must have been abused as a child. None of the popular girls would hang out with her. All the cool guys cracked on her for being gangly tall and boy looking is my guess.

Now she's found a venue to attack people that won't walk lockstep in her uber-religious, uber-conservative death march.

A nice or even rational person she is not!
I like
Chris Matthews. One of the few who makes them actuly respond to the question, not give a lame response that does not, and then just move on.
Jim Lehrer- Newhour...aka only way to get news that will not make your brain turn to much without Cable.
Keith Olbermann, Put Bush Co. and Fox on the ropes and just pound them. Call him partisan, but I dare you to call him wrong :) Personally I don't think he is so much partisan, as just really hates the Bush Admin, who many republicans do.
Pat Buchanan, always give a good old school Conservative view, and backs his stuff up, unlike some...
Chris Tucker---I just think he lightened up and is far less of a hack now then when on Crossfire. So I can watch him now, and not agree still.

Don't like

Abrams most of the time, just boring, I mean he does a good job but not fun to watch.

Bill O...facts are not needed ever. One of the first in news I think to really believe that if you yell louder, and cut off the other guys mike, somehow you are correct....notice how on MSNBC or CNN its rare to see someone lose there mike...Fox seems to threaten at least all the time, most of the time Bill. His war on Christmas Crap a year or 2 ago was a joke...Booo they say happy Holidays not Merry Christmas....Sorry company's felt the need to thank Jews and others as well who had holidays at the same time. Also your own store sold Happy Holidays stuff, not Christmas...Your goons actually yelled at me at work for that crap when i did not say it to them. One more reason I hate Christmas...Christians...( ok only some like that)

Fox news overall...Bill O just gets Special Billing. Its not news, its a hack job. there is a Difference between being a right wing news station, and being nothing but a republican mouthpiece whit shotty journalism.

Favs to see interviewed
Joe Biden...always great, this man should be be VP ( actually I think the top, but to late)
Bill Mahr, always a good time
Chuck Hagel ...See Joe Biden even if he is a Republican would make a good VP of at least in the Cabinet for Obama.
Michael Scheuer, though its not often I see him on TV, has 2 great books, and 1 ok one ( his third not as impressive) (former head of the Bin laden Unit in the CIA)

Ann Coulter...really, why is this Facsist getting air time? if she lay dieing in the street I would just watch her and get a lawn chair and a beer. Not that I hold strong opinions on her.....

I forgot about Pat Buchanan and his sister Bay, I like them both. I voted for him once :p

I just dont see how you or anyone can like Keith Olbermann. I just cant stand him, and not because he is left wing, he just bugs me. I hate it when he looks at the camera and pretends he is talking to Bush or some other person who offended him. Bill O does that same thing and I dont like him either.

Ann Coulter is funny, she is like the woman you love to hate. Something like Dr. Laura
I forgot about Pat Buchanan and his sister Bay, I like them both. I voted for him once :p

I just dont see how you or anyone can like Keith Olbermann. I just cant stand him, and not because he is left wing, he just bugs me. I hate it when he looks at the camera and pretends he is talking to Bush or some other person who offended him. Bill O does that same thing and I dont like him either.

Ann Coulter is funny, she is like the woman you love to hate. Something like Dr. Laura

No there are some people I live to hate, then others I hate that I even have to hate her.
I forgot about Pat Buchanan and his sister Bay, I like them both. I voted for him once :p

I forgot Buchanan too. Add him to my "like" list. Have you noticed the more he gets into a discussion, the higher his voice gets? :) I do not recall his sister Bay. :confused:
I forgot Buchanan too. Add him to my "like" list. Have you noticed the more he gets into a discussion, the higher his voice gets? :) I do not recall his sister Bay. :confused:

Bay thinks a whole lot like her brother and looks lilke him too. Yeah he does get loud when he gets heated.

Do you remember an old show called the spin zone? it was on CNN and hosted by Tucker Carlson ( in the bow ties ) and Bill Press. I really liked that show, they took headlines in the news and showed you how each part spinned it. They made a geat team.
Do you remember an old show called the spin zone? it was on CNN and hosted by Tucker Carlson ( in the bow ties ) and Bill Press. I really liked that show, they took headlines in the news and showed you how each part spinned it. They made a geat team.

No, I don't remember that show and sorry I missed it.

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