Well-Known Member
NEWSLETTER XIV - Let Us Not Lose America - Get Angry, Get Active
Your options today are limited: either get angry and involved or get poor!
Your options today are limited: either get angry and involved or get poor!
This is because since the 2008 election, the far-left Democrats have:
1. Spent our country into oblivion – blowing trillions of your money on more government welfare programs
2. Wiped out our missile defense shield that protected us from rogue states like Korea
3. Seized businesses like General Motors and put hundreds of thousands of mechanics out of work
4. Begun the process of raising crippling taxes on Americans even if they earn as little as $20,000 a year
5. Begun eliminating medicare so that seniors will be deprived of medicine
America has to stop this craziness or we will all be broke, unemployed and defenseless!
The Republican Majority Campaign supports only conservative candidates who promise in writing not to raise taxes or vote for bills they have not been given a chance to read. If they break their written promise, our contract with them says that they have to repay your donations to them.
With your help and involvement, the Republican Majority Campaign can reverse this horrible tide of unworkable socialism and waste. We did this several times in the past including 1992 when the Contact With America resulted in conservative control of both houses and a balanced budget. We can do it again in 2010.
Our Board Member Michael Reagan, national celebrity and talk-show host, urges you to visit us at and help fight this war to take back America.
Randy Goodwin
Republican Majority Campaign PAC
I received this email this early A.M. and I've never - ever have had anything from the Republican Party arrive in my personal email account prior to this...SO, I was surprised and amazed.
But this explains the angst/vitriol that over flows many of the political forums around the Internet...the GOP is telling their masses to become angry!!! WOW, now that is just wonderful, when inability to confront and make a positive plan/action/motivational method...just go for the lessor thinking gut reactions and motivate the hate mongers and over reactionaries...JEEZ LOUISE!!!
1. Spent our country into oblivion – blowing trillions of your money on more government welfare programs
2. Wiped out our missile defense shield that protected us from rogue states like Korea
3. Seized businesses like General Motors and put hundreds of thousands of mechanics out of work
4. Begun the process of raising crippling taxes on Americans even if they earn as little as $20,000 a year
5. Begun eliminating medicare so that seniors will be deprived of medicine
America has to stop this craziness or we will all be broke, unemployed and defenseless!
The Republican Majority Campaign supports only conservative candidates who promise in writing not to raise taxes or vote for bills they have not been given a chance to read. If they break their written promise, our contract with them says that they have to repay your donations to them.
With your help and involvement, the Republican Majority Campaign can reverse this horrible tide of unworkable socialism and waste. We did this several times in the past including 1992 when the Contact With America resulted in conservative control of both houses and a balanced budget. We can do it again in 2010.
Our Board Member Michael Reagan, national celebrity and talk-show host, urges you to visit us at and help fight this war to take back America.
Randy Goodwin
Republican Majority Campaign PAC
I received this email this early A.M. and I've never - ever have had anything from the Republican Party arrive in my personal email account prior to this...SO, I was surprised and amazed.

But this explains the angst/vitriol that over flows many of the political forums around the Internet...the GOP is telling their masses to become angry!!! WOW, now that is just wonderful, when inability to confront and make a positive plan/action/motivational method...just go for the lessor thinking gut reactions and motivate the hate mongers and over reactionaries...JEEZ LOUISE!!!