PETA video shows Ringling Bros. circus handlers beating elephants

Just practice falling down and spitting out teeth, I'll be right with you. ;)

Abraham Lincoln once was confronted with a question by an mocking adversary trying to demean Mr. Lincoln's tall stature.

The heckler yelled out... Hey Lincoln how long do you think a man's legs should be?

To which Mr. Lincoln replied... Long enough to reach the ground.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a Top Gun, wipe my Popeye with some Shaman and flush it down the ASPCA. ;)

What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.
Abraham Lincoln

Hopefully your constant personal insults against members of this forum will stack up against you and do just that.
Hopefully your constant personal insults against members of this forum will stack up against you and do just that.
Your constant personal insults haven't come back to haunt you in any way... Probably because we, the people you insult, care enough about free speech that we don't report your abuse.

Its only the Brown Shirt fascist types who report posts, who fear free speech, who pick fights in the sand box then goose-step over to the teacher for cover.
Your constant personal insults haven't come back to haunt you in any way... Probably because we, the people you insult, care enough about free speech that we don't report your abuse.

Its only the Brown Shirt fascist types who report posts, who fear free speech, who pick fights in the sand box then goose-step over to the teacher for cover.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
Abraham Lincoln

Originally Posted by top gun
looking to pick a fight?
Originally Posted by GenSeneca
Just practice falling down and spitting out teeth, I'll be right with you.

Originally Posted by top gun
My statement stands as is. Somethings they advocate for and try to stop are reasonable and some are not.
Originally Posted by GenSeneca
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a Top Gun, wipe my Popeye with some Shaman and flush it down the ASPCA.
Your constant personal insults haven't come back to haunt you in any way... Probably because we, the people you insult, care enough about free speech that we don't report your abuse.

Its only the Brown Shirt fascist types who report posts, who fear free speech, who pick fights in the sand box then goose-step over to the teacher for cover.

Oh, man sounds as though you have that practice down pat...are up up for giving 'goose-step' lessons cause some one of your ilk seems quite capable of talking out of both sides of their mouth...we don't report...but you and your crowd sure enough do...will the real 'BROWN SHIRT' PLEASE STAND UP???

So you have had many, many opportunities in your life to work with/along/around people that train animals for a living and you still advocate that this 'hidden video' is just a 'rare/extreme' event ;)

When faced with the inability to discuss the topic, fall back on the personal insults and 'it ain't me, it's you people' that cause the communication problems...{snicker, snicker} you do rant on about the most childish things!
I already have but I'll say it again; Brutalizing animals is bad and people shouldn't do it. The end. What more needs to be said about the video?

Being the monumental genius that you are, I'm shocked you think discussing the suit that PETA has filed with the USDA against Ringling is off topic... The video is part of that suit and the goals that PETA has for making the video are also germane.

But alas... I am but a mere half brained mortal and you possess the intellect of the deities found on Mt. Olympus. Must be terribly frustrating to associate with us mortals, which would explain the violent outbursts of derogotory bilge that so eloquently pours from your lips with every post.
Well it's truly remarkable that you acknowledge your short comings...GOOD JOB!!!
I stated: Then you have never ever been exposed to the world of animal training and how the masses are blindly {don't confuse me with the facts about how it is obtained...I just want to be visually entertained and delighted with the spectacle} allowed to BELIEVE that these animals do those silly arsed routines because they just 'LIVE TO JUMP AND PROVIDE THE DOG & PONY SHOW' for all of us humans.

YOU ARE IN DENIAL...but as with most of your are steadfast stuck in that mode of brain use...and you seem extremely happy there! I wish you well in you ignorance and BLISS!!!

I know, I know don't confuse me {GenSeneca} with the facts because I'd rather live in my ignorant bliss and just hand over the money and watch the pretty animals dance and twirl like mother nature intended them to...and just keep me supplied with peanuts/popcorn/a soda or two and I'm just one happy/clueless/stupified human being enjoying being entertained by an animal!!! YEA, so easily entertained, so easily conscience thought about the spectacle and the behind the scenes trauma!!!
There's no excuse for cruelty to animals. I'm totally opposed to it.:mad:

Totally agree...only small minded humans who need to fill up their emotional short comings/large areas of insecurities/and are unable to communicate with other adults {narcissistic/controlling/emotional cripples} will abuse animals...and then it is just one small step to inflict that same pain onto humans ;)
will the real 'BROWN SHIRT' PLEASE STAND UP???

So you have had many, many opportunities in your life to work with/along/around people that train animals for a living
You worked in the circus?
One of them, one of them, they accept you, they accept you... :D

When faced with the inability to discuss the topic, fall back on the personal insults and 'it ain't me, it's you people' that cause the communication problems...{snicker, snicker} you do rant on about the most childish things!
Is this projection, or are you channeling me again and talking about yourself? Its hard for us half brains to keep up with you superior intellectuals, with all your fancy quips, witticisms and mixed metaphors.

As Mr. Mackey would say:

Beating animals is bad... Mm'Kay?
Totally agree...only small minded humans who need to fill up their emotional short comings/large areas of insecurities/and are unable to communicate with other adults {narcissistic/controlling/emotional cripples} will abuse animals...and then it is just one small step to inflict that same pain onto humans ;)

There has been a connection made between people that grow up as kids who intentionally hurt animals and then go on to being abusive or worse to human beings.

Police profilers look for this trait all the time when trying to solve cold case murders and violent crime.
GenSeneca Said:
Is this projection, or are you channeling me again and talking about yourself? Its hard for us half brains to keep up with you superior intellectuals, with all your fancy quips, witticisms and mixed metaphors.

When I want/need/desire to hear your inept monkey screeching...I'll just jerk your chain and hand you a banana and as I crank the handle on that organ can dance your little jig and smile for the other humans of your ILK. :p

But seriously...maybe in the continual reading of this topic the knowledge may seep into that concrete/locked mindset that you have nurtured over the years, so the next time you wander mindlessly into a 'dog & pony show/circus/water world show'; you'll stop and pause for a nanosecond and give a moments thought to what it is taking to keep those animals in that hyped up world of SHOW BIZ for the mindless masses that just keep handing over the $$$$ to be so easily entertained without a thought for the work that the animals have to do!!!

Anyone who abuses an animal is a sicko. Unfortunately, it's very common where I live, due to the prevalence of a particular sub-culture that's fascinated with dog-fighting.