PETA video shows Ringling Bros. circus handlers beating elephants

GenSeneca said: These animals should not be brutalized and they don't have to be "Forced" to perform what they've been trained to do.

But there in lays the problem ;)

You do not know how those animals were posted some charming pictures of adorable animals doing some rather unusual things {cute and warm fuzzy} pictures do not tell you/us/anyone just how they were trained to do those adorable stunts.

Yes, as with the skateboarding bull to enough human behaviors and unique items {boredom and the need to be active} has made some dog breeds readily eager and wanting to please ones handler/owner; they will go above and beyond what they would do naturally!
I know people get down on PETA for some of the outlandish stunts they pull, but they also serve a function, that of exposing animal cruelty at places such as factory farms or as in this case the Ringling Bros. circus. I know I made a vow long ago never to give my money again to a circus...they are nothing but venues for the abuse of animals..

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OK I hate to do this to Popeye but I'm shouting FOUL!!!

This is a clear cut case of the pot calling the kettle black.

We all know for a fact Popeye beats elephants in here on a routine basis!:D
I notice the way you two have made an effort to turn this thread into a referendum on PETA, not on the animal abuse exhibited by Ringling Bros.

Does this mean you defend the abuse, or, short of that, accept it as a necessary evil so the elephants can exist for the amusement of humans?

I am sorry Popeye, I did not mean to turn it into anything. I am glad they exposed the abuse.

But there is more to PETA than this case.

I am sorry though if its turned into something else instead of what you wanted it to be.

I am sorry Popeye, I did not mean to turn it into anything. I am glad they exposed the abuse.

But there is more to PETA than this case.

I am sorry though if its turned into something else instead of what you wanted it to be.


Hi Pan;)

I think I know what you meant. I'm in total agreement with Popeye on the elephants but PETA can get to over zealous for me as well. If we can slaughter millions of cows & hogs and chickens everyday then I find it hypocritical when someone from PETA throws red paint on someone because they have fur on their coat... or snake skin boots... or a leather belt... you see where I'm goin' with this.

To me the whole thing revolves around treating animals humanly and that includes if they are to be killed (as weird as that may sound). Animals that are to be kept alive should not be beaten and should have adequate living conditions, food and space.

Animals that are to be slaughtered or put down should be killed as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Do we not agree?
You do not know how those animals were trained...

Neither do you...

Do you ASSume (to use your word ;)) that they've all been beaten in order to perform? In order to learn?

As I stated earlier, the beating of these elephants is unacceptable but its the exception, not the rule. PETA uses the spotlight fallacy to make incidents like this out to be the norm when its not... If it were, there would be videos like this all over the internet, not just a couple, and every circus show would offer an opportunity to get another tape of elephants being brutalized.
Hi Pan;)

I think I know what you meant. I'm in total agreement with Popeye on the elephants but PETA can get to over zealous for me as well. If we can slaughter millions of cows & hogs and chickens everyday then I find it hypocritical when someone from PETA throws red paint on someone because they have fur on their coat... or snake skin boots... or a leather belt... you see where I'm goin' with this.

To me the whole thing revolves around treating animals humanly and that includes if they are to be killed (as weird as that may sound). Animals that are to be kept alive should not be beaten and should have adequate living conditions, food and space.

Animals that are to be slaughtered or put down should be killed as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Do we not agree?

Yes we agree. now if PETA agreed with us....then I would support them
I notice the way you two have made an effort to turn this thread into a referendum on PETA, not on the animal abuse exhibited by Ringling Bros.

Does this mean you defend the abuse, or, short of that, accept it as a necessary evil so the elephants can exist for the amusement of humans?

I'm surprised that we haven't had the 'ABORTION ISSUE' drug kicking and screaming into this topic too :rolleyes:

Being able to DERAIL the disucssion from the POINT is quite 'duck & dodge' for the inability to discuss any issue...see where my continual attempts are going with GenSeneca. Derailing the topic/any topic is just asinine and exactly what these two do...and they tag team any topic with their continual B.S. posts as well. I suppose it should be noted that it may well take two brains to think of a reply...:D

GENSeneca > "I get visual pleasure from viewing cute idiotic displays of animals doing cute/funny 'non animal' routines for money to supply my 'MASTER' and since this gives me {GenSeneca} so much enjoyment and visual not ask me to think beyond my immediate gratification"...OMG what a simplistic point of view!!!
Neither do you...

Do you ASSume (to use your word ;)) that they've all been beaten in order to perform? In order to learn?

As I stated earlier, the beating of these elephants is unacceptable but its the exception, not the rule. PETA uses the spotlight fallacy to make incidents like this out to be the norm when its not... If it were, there would be videos like this all over the internet, not just a couple, and every circus show would offer an opportunity to get another tape of elephants being brutalized.
DID THE MENTION OF 'UNDER COVER' MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU...ANYTHING AT ALL???...of course not...just blew right over that...:rolleyes:

Then you have never ever been exposed to the world of animal training and how the masses are blindly {don't confuse me with the facts about how it is obtained...I just want to be visually entertained and delighted with the spectacle} allowed to BELIEVE that these animals do those silly arsed routines because they just 'LIVE TO JUMP AND PROVIDE THE DOG & PONY SHOW' for all of us humans.

YOU ARE IN DENIAL...but as with most of your are steadfast stuck in that mode of brain use...and you seem extremely happy there! I wish you well in you ignorance and BLISS!!! ;)
Yes we agree. now if PETA agreed with us....then I would support them

PETA is just like any other group. Many of their policies and things they advocate for are wonderful things. And they bring attention to bad things that without them would probably never be reported.

But when you get out on the extremes that's where lies the problem. I love my steaks, chicken & ribs and see nothing wrong with eating meat or wearing leather so I feel it would be hypocritical of me to just point at fur or something and say how simply terrible that is.

Not to say some of the methods they use to kill various fur animals is at the top of my list of good things you understand but the idea of fur is no different than meat or leather in my estimation.
They advocate for one thing and one thing only, for Animals to have the same rights as humans. It is an Animal Rights organization.

Is someone saying it isn't or are you just looking to pick a fight?:)

My statement stands as is. Somethings they advocate for and try to stop are reasonable and some are not. That's why I'm not a member of PETA. That doesn't mean all things PETA tries to prevent are not worthy.
I look forward to your last post. ;)

I'm sorry to disappoint your simplistic 'PLAN' to railroad me off of this community board...but as with your lack of indepth knowledge and weak kneed approach...that failed too ;) And as with your lack of staying on POINT/being able to understand the 'ERROR' of your thought processes without fragmenting the 'main idea' into splintered disjointed posts...we were discussing the video showing Ringling Brothers animal abuses and what ought to be done about it :rolleyes:

NOW are you able to reply with a direct post about what POPEYE brought before the group or do you just want to keep sniping and snarling like a rabid dog??? and you do that quite well too!!!
NOW are you able to reply with a direct post about what POPEYE brought before the group

I already have but I'll say it again; Brutalizing animals is bad and people shouldn't do it. The end. What more needs to be said about the video?

Being the monumental genius that you are, I'm shocked you think discussing the suit that PETA has filed with the USDA against Ringling is off topic... The video is part of that suit and the goals that PETA has for making the video are also germane.

But alas... I am but a mere half brained mortal and you possess the intellect of the deities found on Mt. Olympus. Must be terribly frustrating to associate with us mortals, which would explain the violent outbursts of derogotory bilge that so eloquently pours from your lips with every post.
looking to pick a fight?
Just practice falling down and spitting out teeth, I'll be right with you. ;)

My statement stands as is. Somethings they advocate for and try to stop are reasonable and some are not.

What is it you think they are "advocating" for on this issue? For the abuse of elephants to stop? Because that's not what they are advocating and looking at the suit they've filed with the USDA makes that clear.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a Top Gun, wipe my Popeye with some Shaman and flush it down the ASPCA. ;)