Parade of colored revolutions. Who is the next?

nothing new about corruption, was there before we got there and will be there after we're gone.
not an American base anymore mate, not for some time now.
The Fact that the USa does not formally own the bases does not stop US army , Navy and Airforce using the Philippines to keep their position in Asia.
They are doing the same in Australia. American have the right to use our bases.
Corruption is widespread in the Philippines and goes way back to Spanish times. However it is pro American politicians who prevent it being clean up.
The Fact that the USa does not formally own the bases does not stop US army , Navy and Airforce using the Philippines to keep their position in Asia.
They are doing the same in Australia. American have the right to use our bases.
Corruption is widespread in the Philippines and goes way back to Spanish times. However it is pro American politicians who prevent it being clean up.

the military is GONE.
using bases is far different than having your own.
Corruption was there before the west ever dreamed of the area. Because it is ingrained, it persists.