First off, I have a visceral response to socialism or communism or anyone who sings praises to it. Your statements, may be true on their face, but without digging into the weeds, ignores the real truth. Granted, Russia played a major role in WWII, but they were attacked by Germany on their own soil. They didn't have a choice, and both Britain and the U.S. materially supplied Russia heavily in their effort. There was a lot of dispute between Russia and Germany because of WWI. In some ways WWII was an extension of that, including control of the eastern bloc countries, which Russia felt they had prior to WWI. Would we have won the war without Russia? Maybe not, but it was after all a world war. We didn't even get involved until we were attacked at Pearl Harbor by communist Japan. Russia had no interest in saving Britain either. They were operating in their own self interest and their hatred for Germany. The Germans were paranoid because of Russia's military build-up on their borders. They even justified it as a preemptive attack, thinking is was Russia who was going to take over Europe. Of all the millions of Russians who were killed in WWII, Hitler still can't compare to all the Russians their own government killed. Again, communism fails. .
As far as Russia putting a satelite in orbit first, is also missing the story. If truth be told, it was German scientists and technology who both contries used in a space race. Amazing what competition can do. The U.S. actually announced their intention first to launch into space, but Eisenhower put a hold on the rocket. After Russia launched sputnik, Eisenhower changed his mind and the U.S. launched theirs three months later. But who has had the most success in space? Who put a man on the moon?
With China, they are still in some ways a third world country. Granted they are becoming an economic powerhouse. But not with their own ingenuity or technology. Otherwise they wouldn't have had to steal ours. They are learning what competition in a free market can bring them. But they also have forced labor and poor living conditions for the majority of their people. They have to keep nets along the outside stairwells of their manufacturing plants, because their workers try to jump and commit suicide. Capitalism works great in communist countries? I don't think so. Are those workers ever going to get living wages and buy a home? No. They get a bunk in a dormitory, three squares, clean clothes, and that's about it. They are nothing more than warehoused slaves owned by the state.