Well-Known Member
I don't like Obama. I think he's a phony who lacks substance. But I would rather that he won than McSame.
I am not crazy about either of them either. I feel your pain there, and I am supporting McCain mostly now for Palin but probably would have anyways just because I don’t like Obama more than I don’t like McCain.
Your personal experiences cannot determine the general trend regarding the difference between the sexual assault of a child and the sexual assault of an adult. There were obviously some instances of people like you in the study I cited. But the vast majority of people who went through the same thing you did indicated a far different trend: that the emotional trauma from adult rape is significantly worse than that of child rape.
No my personal experience can not. But added with the personal experiences of so many women that I have been in various group therapy with who had similar experiences. I learned in therapy that women who were molested as kids tend to be victims of rape in adult life. It has something to do with a lesser understanding of sexual boundaries and being drawn to predators. The adult rape can bring back traumatic memories of childhood sexual molestation / rape. I will trust a life time of knowing other women like me, therapist who are trained to help people like me over your survey.
The difference between the woman with the unwanted pregnancy and the cases you cited is that her interests, those of a person, outweigh those of a nonperson.
Non person… That is sad and scary. Dred Scott was a non person too. According to Adolph Hitler The Jews were non persons. The white man when coming to America thought of the natives as savages, some thought of them as non persons. Terry Shivo was starved to death because she was a non person. Because you have decided they are non persons does not make it so. My son at 5 months was sucking his thumb in my tummy. When he would move a lot and kick and squirm I could talk to him and he would settle down. My son was and is a person before he breathed his first breath he was a human child, a person a boy, my son. He has/had his own unique DNA, a heart, lungs and nerves.
The feminist author Judith Jarvis Thomson uses the example of a dying musician who needs an extremely rare blood type to live. You have the blood type, so a society of music lovers kidnaps you and connects your circulatory system with that of the dying musician. You can disconnect yourself if you'd like, but if you were to do so, the musician would die. On the other hand, if you stayed connected to him for nine months, he would walk away completely healthy. Thomson concludes that it would not be morally wrong for you to disconnect yourself from the musician because you did not choose for him to be dependent on your body.
I don’t think this analogy works. First I am not responsible for the musician other than a human to human level. I am not the reason the musician is alive like I am responsible for getting myself pregnant and would have a living child inside of me. If a person needed a rare kidney and I was the only one they knew who had one to give, I am not responsible for giving them one of my kidneys, though I really would seriously think about it. But I am responsible for my own offspring that is English for the Latin word fetus.
The primary flaw with this argument is that it assumes that the fetus is a person. But the fetus lacks traits of personhood. It lacks self-awareness, rationality, and the capacity to feel pleasure and pain. Hence, a more accurate analogy might be that of you being kidnapped and connected to a fish in order for the fish to survive, since a fish has more traits of personhood than an embryo does. Or perhaps, another analogy might be that you are connected to a chicken, which possesses greater traits of personhood than a more late-term fetus does.
You should speak regular English. Fetus is not an English word it is a Latin word that means offspring in English. A word they did not want to translate because the term aborting your offspring sounds rather sick! Again we are back to the argument of what a person is. Dred Scott was as much a person as you and I are, but they were still ignorant in those days. The few that dared to speak up for African Americans were about as persecuted as those who speak up today for children in the womb, but hopefully your children’s children will hang their heads in shame at what our generation tolerated. And those who fought for the lives of children will be appreciated rather than persecuted.
Would you hold that it is morally wrong to disconnect yourself in either of those cases? Or don't you hold that your interests outweigh those of a fish or chicken?
hopefully I explained my self in each of your questions. and I will stand firm on this. A human child in the womb, the offspring of a woman should have at least as much rights as an Owl's egg.