Well-Known Member
Accoutable for what? Capturing a piece of land from which the SYRIANS fired artillery and set up snipers that shot at children? Furthermore, Israel appealed to the international community for 19 years to put an end to the shelling and sniper fire before they finally took matters into their own hands and captured the area.
Israel has likewise killed many innocent children (or do those children even matter since they are all "terrorists" after all??? Are they subhuman???). Israel has also provoked many situations. Israel has ignored over a hundred UN resolutions. I'm certainly not saying - and never have said - it's all or mostly Israel's fault but it's time that the world, and the US in particular, recognizes that Israel has some cuplability for the current situation.
In 1974, syria attempted to recapture the land and failed. Afterwards, syria signed a disengagement agreement that left the Golan in Israel's hands. [See map]
Golan heights are not the only occupied territories - most of the dispute is with the West Bank and Gaza and Jeruselum.
The "palestinians" have, and never by any stretch of the imagination held any claim to the occupied territories as that land belonged to syria who signed an agreement leaving it in Israel's hands. We have heard nothing from syria since suggesting that they want it back. Decades of anti semetic misinformation, however, have left folks like you believeing that the occupied territories somehow were taken from the "palestinians" when that simply is not and never was the case.
The Golan heights are not the only territories in issue here and are not what are primarily of concern to the Palestinians.
It did establish a state and further, the documents established that only the league of nations had the authority to change those boundries. The un resolution was meaningless as it was an illegal attempt to change the boundries of a sovriegn state.
Look at the date declaring the founding of Israel as a sovereign state, and the maps officially defining Israel's boundaries. Honestly Pale - I've never known you to so ignore facts
I haven't ignored your figures. I have disregarded them because they are faulty. Most of what is now Israel was uninhabited swamps. The population you keep mentioning was in what is now jordan. And do just a bit of math. You claim 700,000 refugees. Today, 60 years later, almost 7 million are claiming to be refugees and have a right of return. Do the math. You have been scamed. Only vermin reproduce at such a rate. The fact is that there are harly any who can legitimately claim to be refugees today as most would have died off years ago.
I also showed historical demographics and figures showing populations in the area during the mandate area as have other posters. Whatever the 7 million comes from - I don't know or care. I'm talking about 700,000 which is historically documented. The demographic reality of the situation - which I have already acknowledged is there can be no right of return - that is something that the Palestinians will have to give up in order to achieve peace. That is also why a two-state solution is the only viable solution. You can't uproot all these people and send them to a foreign country any more then you can send all blacks to Liberia. Just because Jordan is "Palestinian" doesn't make them the same as the the "palestinians" in Gaza. This kind of reasoning is what the British used when they partitioned India and divided Bengal into the Hindu portion which went with India and the muslim portion which went to Pakistan. Yet culturally, ethnically, educationally - the muslim Bengali's had much more in common with their Hindu brethren then they did with the majority of Pakistan. That partition was a tragic disaster.