How will we determine who is of sound mind? Will everyone who gets assistance undergo psychiatric screening?
I think people that CP is talking about have obvious disabilities.
The problem with entitlement programs that give money to people who haven't paid into a system to begin with, and therefore are really not entitled to it, is that people come to depend on the "free" money and can no longer fend for themselves.
Someone mentioned black men, as if they can't take care of themselves despite having gained equal opportunity and even affirmative action.
What a racist idea that is! Blacks can fend for themselves just like other races can unless they have come to depend on the welfare state. Of course, the same is true of white men and women who are welfare dependent. They are like wild animals who have come to depend on food doled out by humans, and so can no longer take care of themselves. The very system that is supposed to help people out of poverty actually works to keep them poor and dependent.
Job training, sure. Let's train people to work, then put them to work. Let's care for people who can't take care of themselves due to mental or physical disabilities. Let's encourage people to donate to the churches or the Salvation Army or some other charitable institution that will feed the hungry. Let's not take money by force of law to feed people who can feed themselves.