Well-Known Member
You voted into power the people who voted for the bailouts.No one I know voted to give the rich big bailouts and bonuses
Then why is it that nearly 75% of government spending is for programs that forcibly redistribute wealth in order to assist the less fortunate?the ballot box has no power when the wealthy run the system.
No, they don't.. But even if they did and we ended up getting a single payer system, that would be yet another government program to benefit the less fortunate at the expense of everyone else.Most people want a single payer health plan
How is that a violation and what right is being violated?wealth in the hands of a tiny minority IS a violation of the rights of the many.
Having the government protect the individual rights of all Americans equally is equality. When you use the term equality, you appear to want financial equality, which again fits the #2 definition of Egalitarianism that you said you did not agree with.Without some measure of equality there can be no level playing field.
How many individual rights are you willing to violate in an attempt to eliminate need?How many people's lives are you willing to expend for someone's right to have billions of dollars in a private hoard?
You seem to have this cartoon concept of wealthy people where money is concerned, as if they all have a Scrooge McDuck style vault in the back yard where they "hoard" money and swim around in it.

In real life, those "billions of dollars in private hoard" are sitting in banks but those banks use that money to lend out to other people and keep the country moving. That money is invested into new business ventures that create jobs, or existing business to help them expand or research new product lines and in many cases, donated en masse so that charities and non profits can remain in existence.
It sounds like you are saying that if poverty exists, nobody has a right to keep the products of their labor. Is that what you are saying?I think your talk of protecting rights is disingenous when you begin by advocating the rights of the rich to be rich in the face of national poverty.
That money was not earned and I was agaisnt the bailouts, but I'm curious:saying that those bailouts were EARNED by the rich
Why you would suggest that people should only get money if they have earned it?
Please answer that question.
Banks do not "benefit" on foreclosures, most of the time they lose money. If you take out a loan for something you cannot afford, you do not deserve to keep it if you cannot make the payments. You claim to be a business owner, if someone ordered something from you and didn't pay, it would be a violation of your rights. You would not be violating their rights in repossessing what they haven't paid for.and the people who are being thrown out of their homes deserved to to lose them for the benefit of the banks.
I am. Ending the violation of individual rights is a moral, ethical and just endeavor. Again, like your intentional misuse of the word equality, you don't appear to want justice, you appear to want social justice and they are not the same thing.If you want peace, work for justice.
But a society where the people with needs are the slave masters to the people of ability, that is your idea of justice?A feudal system with a minority of vastly rich owners and a population of serfs is NOT justice.