One year ago today.............


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
One year ago today, on Feb. 23, 2010, Obamacare was signed into law, after being jammed through Congress in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve Day and voted on by several Democrat lawmakers who were bribed for the purpose.

Since then, a large number of the people who voted for it, have been voted out of office, and two Federal judges have found it unconstitutional.
Elections have consequences...screetch, er I mean...policies have consequences. So making bad laws results in elections in which the result is the consequence of out of touch politicians being out of office.

Wait till 2012.
Elections have consequences...screetch, er I mean...policies have consequences. So making bad laws results in elections in which the result is the consequence of out of touch politicians being out of office.

Wait till 2012.

Elections do have consequences.

We are now suffering the consequence of fools who were fooled into voting for a socialist who hates America, it's people, and does not respect the Constitution.


But, we can only hope and pray that the foolish socialist will be voted out of office in 2012 and the Death of Liberalism will be the consequence of BO's horrendous presidency.

And, America will return to that shining city upon a hill!!!

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