Obama's excuse for Saddleback

Libsmasher;56387]Obama's own staff apparently disagrees. :D I saw it - Obama got stomped.

I saw it. I completely said McBush looked better than he did in the Cheese Isle. If Grampy doesn't node off or say he's at the wrong church of course he's going to look better than normal. On the other hand when you usually draw crowds of supporters from 45,000 to 200,000 a "conversation" with an evangelical leaning crowd does not lend itself to many Obama home runs. There was no "stomping" by anybody... it was a conversation not a debate.

Another classic howler from you. :D Mitchell is probably the biggest Obama shill on the biggest Obama support network in the lib media.

Just because someone doesn't work for FIXED NEWS or says something positive from time to time about Senator Obama... Pleeeeease!:)

This was a forum that dealt with the real issues that the lib media will never ask obama, because they know how bad he would look. It's the first time Obama had to perform other than at an Obamabot Fest, or getting butt kisses from the lib media. The results were predictable.

Republicans have lied us into a war spending about half a Trillion dollars on it so far plus over over 4000 American troops dead over 30,000 wounded... has tanked our economy on almost every level... given us the highest inflation rate in 27 years... and all their time in control helped spike gasoline to all time highs...

it's no wonder they'd rather talk about anything else. In an evangelical setting it's God, guns & gays. The debates will come...;)
Republicans have lied us into a war spending about half a Trillion dollars on it so far plus over over 4000 American troops dead over 30,000 wounded... has tanked our economy on almost every level... given us the highest inflation rate in 27 years... and all their time in control helped spike gasoline to all time highs...

Whats astonishing is the fact you still cannot accept that Democrats played a HUGE role in all of that... they worked together to create the messes and point to each other as the one at fault. Scapegoating at its finest.
Hi Mate - I guess to some degree that's the difference in our political landscape and inch allah we will not got to the stage of having to put our politicians in such nauseating surroundings. Just to give you a taste of the sort of political environment we are more used to.....

This is the UK Parliament at its best!

The wit is great! :) They actually show most of the Prime Minister's Questions on PBS in the US - I've watched it for about five years. I like the "does he ..." third person - it's as if all the questions and comments are directed to the Speaker. It's funny - it's the Brits who are supposed to be civilized, and they hoot and laugh while the other party is speaking - in the US House and senate, it's almost always quiet. My favorite interaction was a few years ago when blair lost track of his sports car, and it was found near parliament. In a speech the Conservative guy (Major?) recounted a long list of issues for which he claimed Labor had not adhered to it's own party platform. Then he said something like "Apparently the PM has lost his principles, or perhaps he just forgot where he parked them." :D

Blair was a lot better at sarcasm than Brown.
Whats astonishing is the fact you still cannot accept that Democrats played a HUGE role in all of that... they worked together to create the messes and point to each other as the one at fault. Scapegoating at its finest.

Top gun, with his predictable cliches, robot-like repetition and stale slogans, is pretty much just background noise at this point. :)
in the US House and senate, it's almost always quiet.

Masher thats a good point about the Senate I've watched proceedings admittedly only on a few occassions but agree its a very sterile environment and one not given to the cut and thrust of intellectual sparring. Its a shame really because this could well sharpen the wits and insticts of your politicians.
Hi Mate - I guess to some degree that's the difference in our political landscape and inch allah we will not got to the stage of having to put our politicians in such nauseating surroundings. Just to give you a taste of the sort of political environment we are more used to.....

This is the UK Parliament at its best!

That was fun to watch, where are the white wigs? I thought they still wore those.
What you watched at saddle back was not actual government; it was a forum to get to know the candidates. How do your candidates run for office? Do they do debates or TV ads or go door to door?

Our Senate and congress floor can get loud too. I remember watching a debate on the senate floor, I can’t remember the man’s name but he debated Barbara (i like to kill babies) Boxer. He was trying to get her to say when a baby is a baby, because she is pro partial birth abortion. The senator who went up against her wanted to ban killing viable babies who were about to be born. He yelled at her, Ms. Boxer, is it a baby when the foot comes out, when living foot comes out is it a baby? I mean this guy was really in her face so to speak, and she said no its not, he went on with all the various body parts till he got to the head, when it is a head and if that baby is able to escape the knife and slip out when the head comes out is it a baby then, at this point Ms. Boxer is it a baby?

this woman (who I cant stand more than any woman alive) was shaking in her feet, she knew the cameras were on her, she had to of known how horrible she looked and finally after a very long session the man said when do you call it a baby, and Ms Boxer said, when the mother picks it ups and claims it. I wish I could remember the name of the male senator who grilled her. I am partial to fighting for babies, so this is a more memorable one.

Right now our congress is in the dark with no cameras or mic. Refusing to leave because the fearless leader Pelosi (second most hated woman in my book) went on vacation in her tax payer paid jet to sell her private book. She refuses to let them have lights, camera or mic’s. But from what I hear it’s really interesting to see.
Whats astonishing is the fact you still cannot accept that Democrats played a HUGE role in all of that... they worked together to create the messes and point to each other as the one at fault. Scapegoating at its finest.

You'd like people to believe that huh... LoL!:D:D

FACT CHECK: Republicans held a complete strangle hold on both branches of Congress for 12 straight years and all but the last two years of the 8 years of George Bush.

To say Democratic legislation hasn't been submitted over and over again only to be blocked or vetoed by the Republicans would just be a bear faced lie.

Yes wanting to see any movement at all on some legislation... unlike the Republicans who seem to never want to agree to work together with anyone else... the Democrats have went along shaking their heads in disgust with the majority Republican Party from time to time.

This illustrates exactly the problem. If you like the documented disasters that have happened to our country over the last 8 years you will want to continue it... you will vote for the Same... you will vote Republican.

If you realize doing the exact same thing over and over again while expecting different results is the text book Freudian definition of Insanity then you'll vote for Change... you'll vote Democratic.
How do your candidates run for office? Do they do debates or TV ads or go door to door?

Hi Mate! - its a bit different in the UK... don't forget its a different system of government to the US so we don't have all these party conventions, caucuses and stuff! We vote for a local Member of Parliament (MP) who is generally a member of a political party but can be independent but its the MPs of the majority Party that choose the Prime Minister not the general population.

So for example we expect that the Conservative Party will win the next election and at the moment their party leader is a guy call David Cameron (the guy lambasting our idiotic Prime Minister in the film above). Thus, barring any major balls-ups on his part he will be the next Prime Minister. So essentially we know pretty much years ahead who our prospective Prime Minister will be!

Therefore, we do not have all the razzmatazz that you guys have certainly not being questioned about their morals by some priest! Debates are generally not stage managed affairs like you have they are noramlly open forums - for example we have a programme on the BBC called "Question Time" where a line up of politicians are grilled by the public it can get gory!! They also do walk-abouts, door to door the usual stuff.

Hey have you ever seen this....this was our deputy Prime Minister doing a walk-about

Prescott was a real nutter...great for a bit of blundering entertainment and a fist fight with the public!

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