Libsmasher;56387]Obama's own staff apparently disagrees.I saw it - Obama got stomped.
I saw it. I completely said McBush looked better than he did in the Cheese Isle. If Grampy doesn't node off or say he's at the wrong church of course he's going to look better than normal. On the other hand when you usually draw crowds of supporters from 45,000 to 200,000 a "conversation" with an evangelical leaning crowd does not lend itself to many Obama home runs. There was no "stomping" by anybody... it was a conversation not a debate.
Another classic howler from you.Mitchell is probably the biggest Obama shill on the biggest Obama support network in the lib media.
Just because someone doesn't work for FIXED NEWS or says something positive from time to time about Senator Obama... Pleeeeease!

This was a forum that dealt with the real issues that the lib media will never ask obama, because they know how bad he would look. It's the first time Obama had to perform other than at an Obamabot Fest, or getting butt kisses from the lib media. The results were predictable.
Republicans have lied us into a war spending about half a Trillion dollars on it so far plus over over 4000 American troops dead over 30,000 wounded... has tanked our economy on almost every level... given us the highest inflation rate in 27 years... and all their time in control helped spike gasoline to all time highs...
it's no wonder they'd rather talk about anything else. In an evangelical setting it's God, guns & gays. The debates will come...