.....big deal! Your all happy and smug when you're economy is on the up and your "laise faire" attitude to these schucks is a bit different! They clean the streets and toilets and pick up the trash and do all the other menial jobs that no others want to do....BUT.... as soon as the economy goes south its boo friggin hoo all these nasty immigants.....chuck them out if its so bad or quit crying.
I do not think that is an accurate description of what illegal aliens do in America. At least not in my state.
I remember growing up, most of the illegal people came to plant trees, pick fruit and other seasonal stuff, then they went home with enough money to last them for a good long time till they cam back the next year. The better money was in tree planting not picking fruit.
Today’s illegal aliens do something very different. Though I am sure some are still picking fruit and planting trees they are now building houses. There are hundreds of new houses in my area and all were built by illegal aliens under the legal contractors. The framers, dry-wallers, you name it. I have a friend who used to work hanging dry wall. He made about 40 thousand a year but that was with working overtime. He has a very hard time now trying to even get a full 40 a week, and I am talking about before the housing crisis. The jobs have all been taken by illegal’s who do it for much less and there are no payroll taxes exc. My cousin is a meat cutter and he has lost his job that he had for I guess about 15 years. That also has been taken over by illegal aliens.
They are paid under the table so they don’t pay taxes, but they put their children in school and they are able to get food stamps and medical coverage. Because they don’t claim their income they are at the highest level of benefits from DHS.
I don’t blame the illegal for wanting to come over. If I were born in Mexico I would do what ever I could to come here and make more money also, its human nature to want to feed your family.
Most of these people like America ok but they love their own country and only left for the opportunity and I can not say that I blame them.
Reality is that there are only so many jobs here, only so much room in the schools and only so much tax payer money that DHS can give out and we are over that limit now.
I think we should try to find ways to help Mexico so they have all the same opportunities there as they can find here. They are not leaving for lack of love for Mexico, its just lack of jobs and opportunity.