Well-Known Member
Pidgey said: Watching other financial indicators, it would seem that people aren't going into more debt to buy houses as overall credit extended is still declining.
If you {and I'm trying so hard to not lump you into the lessor thinking crowd around here} would care to acknowledge and remember that during the months of Oct to March {those 6 months} historically speaking have been the notorious worst months for any home sales since caveman left those rock formations and started building wood frame structures. So reallying on 'stats & bar charts' that reflect the obvious without the COMMON SENSE FACTOR is simply ludicrous and foolish {both human traits that ASUR excels in}
So to provide an incentive that initiated as our administration did was 'BRILLIANT' and give more people that added extra incentive to buy while the market is down...OMG, WHAT A NOVEL IDEA...getting more for you money...HOLY BAT CRAP...GENIUS PURE GENUIUS!