Karl Rove: Obama Building Enemies List
Monday, October 19, 2009 2:06 PM
By: Rick Pedraza
President Barack Obama’s demonization of Fox News is comparable to that of the Nixon administration’s media enemies list, according to former Bush adviser Karl Rove.
Rove, appearing on Fox News Sunday, said Obama is engaging in his own version of former President Richard Nixon’s enemies list by shunning Fox News’ questions that officials in his administration don’t like.
"This is a White House engaging in its own version of the media enemies list," Rove said in response to a White House criticism of the network. "It's unhelpful for the country and undignified for the president of the United States to so do."
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Rove, a Fox News contributor and former political adviser to President George W. Bush, said the White House was engaging in “Chicago-style” bare-knuckle politics by attacking Fox News as “not really a news organization.”
"This is an administration that's getting very arrogant and slippery in its dealings with people,” Rove said. “And if you dare to oppose them, they're going to come hard at you and they're going to cut your legs off."
Also appearing on Fox News Sunday to discuss the White House's de facto boycott of the news network was former Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe, who claimed people are annoyed that Fox was the only broadcast station that did not broadcast Obama’s healthcare speech to Congress last month.
“I think that was very problematic,” McAuliffe said. “I thought that was a very crazy decision, whoever made that decision. It’s a very important issue. If you look at...Fox News, they’re the talking points of the Republican National Committee. [Obama’s] got to deal first with those folks who are going to give him a fair hearing on health care.”
Rove responded by pointing out it was the Fox News broadcast network, not the news network, that failed to carry Obama’s address to Congress.
“There are lots of objectionable things said on MSNBC, NBC, cable channels, and CNN for every president, [both] for [them] or against [them],” Rove said. “And that ought not be the standard by which a White House determines whether or not it’s going to demonize a news channel as an enemy.”
Rove said the White House attacks on Fox News are over the top. Just last week, White House communications director Anita Dunn said Fox News "often operates as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party, and it’s not ideological.
For primary example of the 'DICKLESS CHENEY' smear campaign and another: "He ain't got a clue about our current president but he'll stand united along with the ilk of Glen Beck/Rush Limbaugh and make it seem like he's SPOT ON...LMAO
And Pandora you really need to read some autobiographies about those Nixon Years...very enlightening especially since you seem to be so clueless about those years! Seriously, do some reading!
BTW...notice the little blurb about 'Fair Sarah Palin's BOOK'...Newsmax.COM bought a **** load of them and are trying to entice people into a subscription and you get a free book too...WOW. And her book was on the top best sellers list...ROTFLMAO