Obama To Voters: Shut Up About Obamacare and Benghazi


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
The nation shouldn’t be debating the nation’s health-care system or the jihadi attack in Benghazi in 2012, President Barack Obama complained at a May 19 fundraiser in Maryland.

“Yes, we can have a legitimate debate about does every government program work … [but] the debate we’re having right now is about, what, Benghazi? Obamacare?” Obama told his donors in the wealthy Potomac district of Maryland.

“It’s not serious [and] is not speaking to the real concerns that people have,” Obama insisted.

Obama’s effort to change the subject came a few hours after a survey by a friendly political media site showed that only 39 percent of respondents agreed that “the debate on Obamacare should be over,” as Obama insists.

Sixty percent of Americans in the survey said the debate should not be over.

The survey, by Politico, reported that Obama’s job rating is only 40 percent in the states that will have critical Senate races this year.

The poll also showed that voters generally oppose the Obamacare network. Eighty-nine percent of respondents said Obamacare is important to their vote, but only 16 percent support the law “as it is,” said the poll. Forty-six percent want to repeal the law, and 35 percent want to modify the law.

The poll did not survey Americans about the still mysterious background to the attack on the U.S. diplomatic site in Benghazi. The September 2012 attack killed four Americans, and drove the U.S. out of the city, giving local jihadi groups a base where they could prepare other attacks in Algeria, Nigeria, Mali and other African countries.
Maybe his approval numbers suck because he has no clue what Americans are unterested in. But he doesnt care so it matters not. So keep it up BO, every word out of your.mouth hurts the DNC.
you know what percent of Americans give 2 shits about Bengazi? about 10% or less. Plus only been like 8 hearings on it already...How many where there when car bombs killed nearly 300 Marines in Lebanon? Republicans seem like they have spend more time going into the death of 4 then they did 3000 on 911 2001. How often have they looked into the countless attacks and deaths on US embassy and buildings overseas under Bush?

ALso guess what Obama care is here, its staying...suck it up. anyone saying they will repeal it, is full of shit. As for 2 reasons...1 you have no plan at all to replace it...and 2 to repeal it makes you are going to have to pass a bill that pulls coverage from people, makes it so you can drop people for being sick, take a bunch of kids of their parents health care, And let them not cover anyone with a pre existing condition again...Thats a great selling point...vote for us for less insurance and to let them rape you at will...You had a plan, back in the 90's and Mitt put it in place...it was called the same fucking thing.
you know what percent of Americans give 2 shits about Bengazi? about 10% or less. Plus only been like 8 hearings on it already...How many where there when car bombs killed nearly 300 Marines in Lebanon? Republicans seem like they have spend more time going into the death of 4 then they did 3000 on 911 2001. How often have they looked into the countless attacks and deaths on US embassy and buildings overseas under Bush?

ALso guess what Obama care is here, its staying...suck it up. anyone saying they will repeal it, is full of shit. As for 2 reasons...1 you have no plan at all to replace it...and 2 to repeal it makes you are going to have to pass a bill that pulls coverage from people, makes it so you can drop people for being sick, take a bunch of kids of their parents health care, And let them not cover anyone with a pre existing condition again...Thats a great selling point...vote for us for less insurance and to let them rape you at will...You had a plan, back in the 90's and Mitt put it in place...it was called the same fucking thing.

"you know what percent of Americans give 2 shits about Bengazi? about 10% or less. "

A majority (55 percent) of self-identified Democrats agree with the 67 percent of respondents who approve of the creation of a select committee to investigate the attacks. 66 percent of independent voters share interest in a thorough Benghazi investigation.

Just over half the nation wants further investigation into the September 2012 terrorist killings of American diplomats in Benghazi, Libya, in part because an even larger percentage of the country does not believe that President Obama's team has told the full story about the simmering scandal.

Rasmussen Reports revealed in a new poll that 51 percent want the investigation to go forward. The House last week ordered up a special panel to investigate the killings of the U.S. ambassador and several others and how the administration handled the crisis.

Worse for Obama, Rasmussen found that 59 percent feel it is unlikely the administration has revealed all of the details of the episode. And 50 percent are not satisfied with the administration’s story they've heard.

So much for honesty in your post.

Your comments about Obamacare don't pass the veracity test, either.

You have no qualms about lying to the people who read your post? You aren't ashamed?

You should be.
I regularly receive emails from the Democrat party, just to keep my eye on the latest left-wing propaganda insanity. Today I received another of their silly fund-raising schemes, picking your favorite bumper sticker out of a selection of six options. If you voted for your favorite and paid 3 dollars, you'd get a sticker when the winning design was announced later. Looking at the 6 bumper stickers, and knowing I could vote without ever having to paste a sticker on my car, I had a lovely idea.

One bumper sticker was pathetic, a picture of Obama's face, and to the left of his picture were the words, "LIKE A BOSS". Good God, what arrogance! It's not arrogance I despise, it's arrogance that is totally undeserved!! Most of the other stickers were stupid things about Democrats taking back control of the House. One sticker, however, I selected as the one I'd most like to win the Democrat bumper-sticker competition. The sticker simply stated, "THANKS, OBAMACARE". hehehe I want to see that sticker on every Democrat automobile this November!!!!

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