I heard Sean talking about it too, Rush might have also but I don’t know because he was in a 3 hour AIG rant. Where I got my information was the men in charge of Vet affairs who met with Obama yesterday and were interviewed after. They said he was not budging on this and they were not very happy. But I still wonder why. I agree with you he spent political capital and will gain nothing and actually more will be mad at him for it but what was the reason or the point, he had to know it would turn out this way. So why would he do it. Is he really that stupid or did he read the people and what the are willing to tolerate wrong or is there another reason that we don’t know about yet.
I'm betting on another reason we don't know about yet. Either that, or there is still more to the story we don't know.
Obama is nothing if not politically astute. He didn't get where he is by not knowing how to play the game.
I am sure obama will have an obama friendly spin to it but I do trust those who run military vet affairs more than I trust obama and I have heard 2 of them now talk about a meeting they had with obama and obama seems intent on doing this. Oliver North talked about it too but most non conservatives might not care what he had to say.
The news said when asked about it, the white house comment was that yes it was something they were considering as a way to generate revenue but no deals have been made.
I looked around and I can not find "the other side" of the story but I do find democrats speaking out against it and high ranking Vets in the know who do not seem to dispute the story.
We shall see what comes of it. I hope every American refuses to let this happen.
Oliver North talked about it too but most non conservatives might not care what he had to say.
There is no chance it will happen, zero, zip. I'd be surprised to learn that Obama doesn't understand that, but who knows? Maybe this is a major political screw up on his part.
As for me, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to fall. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, then Obama's popularity is about to take a dive.
I don't understand why anyone cares that that traitor has to say. How he wasn't convicted is a total mystery. Now, incredibly, he has become a darling of the right wing. Explain to me, please, how he gets away with selling arms to the enemy, then becomes a credible voice for any political philosophy at all.![]()
I will wait till I actually can see something legit that talks about the plan, ...sorry rush and basically fox news don't cut it. If it takes away form vets health care I am against it...but I somehow doubt that's the real plan.
There is no chance it will happen, zero, zip. I'd be surprised to learn that Obama doesn't understand that, but who knows? Maybe this is a major political screw up on his part.
As for me, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to fall. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, then Obama's popularity is about to take a dive.
I don't understand why anyone cares that that traitor has to say. How he wasn't convicted is a total mystery. Now, incredibly, he has become a darling of the right wing. Explain to me, please, how he gets away with selling arms to the enemy, then becomes a credible voice for any political philosophy at all.![]()
I don't understand why anyone cares that that traitor has to say. How he wasn't convicted is a total mystery. Now, incredibly, he has become a darling of the right wing. Explain to me, please, how he gets away with selling arms to the enemy, then becomes a credible voice for any political philosophy at all.![]()
I will wait till I actually can see something legit that talks about the plan, ...sorry rush and basically fox news don't cut it. If it takes away form vets health care I am against it...but I somehow doubt that's the real plan.
I'm confused. Who do you think Oliver North sold arms to, that was an enemy?
Nancy Pelosi :
I'm pleased to announce that we have some good news. Over the past several days, President Obama has listened to the genuine concerns expressed by veterans' leaders and veterans' service organizations regarding the option of billing service connected to veterans' insurance companies.
Based on the respect that President Obama has for our nation's veterans and the principled concerns expressed by veterans' leaders, the President has made the decision that the combat-wounded veterans should not be billed through their insurance policies for combat-related injuries.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs:
The President has consistently stated that he is committed to working with veterans on the details of the 2010 VA Budget Proposal. The President demonstrated his deep commitment to veterans by proposing the largest increase in the VA budget in 30 years and calling VSO and MSO leaders into the White House for an unprecedented meeting to discuss various aspects of the budget proposal. In considering the third party billing issue, the administration was seeking to maximize the resources available for veterans; however, the President listened to concerns raised by the VSOs that this might, under certain circumstances, affect veterans and their families' ability to access health care. Therefore, the President has instructed that its consideration be dropped. The President wants to continue a constructive partnership with the VSOs and MSOs and is grateful to those VSOs and MSOs who have worked in good faith with him on the budget proposal.