Not that the Senate intelligence committee would know for certain whether or not the intelligence existed to substantiate Bush's claims... right? I'm sure some retired general, or low ranking DNC operative, or some opinion article writers at the NYTimes, of course knows a great deal more than the Senate Intelligence committee, right Pocket?
I'm going to wager that regardless on whether or not the politically motivated reports claiming he lied, were spread throughout the media, are nonetheless irrelevant. That facts of the case are well documented in the Rockefeller report, which was by far, a hostile anti-Bush, partisan report. Yet even there, the Senate intel committee had to admit that for almost everything said, there was substantial intelligence supporting the assertions.
What's worse is, Clinton, before Bush, used the exact same evidence to support attack Iraq back in 1998. Not to mention that the entire congress roundly supported attacking Iraq, before, during, and after 2002 when the war began, based specifically on this same evidence.
So in order for you to claim Bush lied, you also must accept that your entire fr***kin party lied, your prior presidents lied, most of your stupid candidates lied, the prior administration lied, and most of our allies around the world lied.
In order for you to hold on to the stupidity that Bush lied, you have to assume that only you, and those conspiracy nuts with you, are the only ones on the planet that know the truth.