obama the killer

Unite Our Nation

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
I knew I'd get your attention with that title!

All jokes aside this is a serious post.

Let me start with my personal views. For myself, I don't agree with abortion, but I would never make that decision for another woman! It is a personal choice!

BUT, and here is the big but, when an egg grows into a VITAL HUMAN CHILD, able to LIVE ON THEIR OWN outside the womb, THEY ARE A HUMAN BEING AT THAT POINT!!!

obama has voted to withhold care of a baby born ALIVE while performing an abortion!! This IS MURDER! People are in prison for killing babies that were formed and already a LIVE CHILD and still in the womb.

obama has actively worked against banning PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION. This is murder of infants. There is no debating it.

Does anyone have an excuse for his actions and votes?
When it's your body, you can make that choice, until then you have no say in what any other human being does to or with their body, and that includes the fetus. It's a hard pill to swallow but it comes down to God's granted free will, and everyone will answer for the choices they have made, but they sure as hell will not have to answer to you, to me, or any other human being.
R-E-A-D my post please.

You didn't answer what I wrote. I *agree* WITH YOU that every woman has the right to choose what happens to her own body.

BUT, when the baby (who is NO LONGER A FETUS) is VIABLE OUTSIDE THE WOMB, then this is a child...a citizen with RIGHTS...just like you and I.

A person who murders a woman with an 8 month old child still in them, faces double murder charges.

How can the "child" be a child in this instance, able to survive on their own, and not be a "child" when the mother decides they no longer want this child at 8 months???

Please explain this to me.
I'd like to see where he "ACTIVELY" worked against banning partial birth abortion. I'll even help you research it.


Voted against banning partial birth abortion

Obama's record in Illinois represents that of a pragmatic progressive, who pushed for moderate reforms and opposed right-wing legislation. In the IL legislature, voting "present" is the equivalent of voting "no" because a majority of "yes" votes are required for passage. Many IL legislators use the "present" vote as an evasion on an unpopular choice, so that they can avoid being targeted for voting "no." During the 2004 Democratic primary, an opponent mocked Obama's "present" vote on abortion bills with flyers portraying a rubber duck and the words, "He ducked!".

In 1997, Obama voted against SB 230, which would have turned doctors into felons by banning so-called partial-birth abortion, & against a 2000 bill banning state funding. Although these bills included an exception to save the life of the mother, they didn't include anything about abortions necessary to protect the health of the mother. The legislation defined a fetus as a person, & could have criminalized virtually all abortion.

seems to me he did not want to turn all doctors performing abortions into criminals because of right wing attempts to "creatively" word the bill.

I don't see this as Obama actively working against banning PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION. I see it as right wing conservatives trying to impose their personal views on the rest of the country...
by Michael Gerson

"But Obama's record on abortion is extreme. He opposed the ban on partial-birth abortion -- a practice a fellow Democrat, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, once called "too close to infanticide." Obama strongly criticized the Supreme Court decision upholding the partial-birth ban. In the Illinois state Senate, he opposed a bill similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which prevents the killing of infants mistakenly left alive by abortion. And now Obama has oddly claimed that he would not want his daughters to be "punished with a baby" because of a crisis pregnancy -- hardly a welcoming attitude toward new life. "

"In 1999 a gruesome discovery was made that an Illinois hospital was shelving babies to die in a soiled utility room who had survived their abortions.
The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act was introduced in 2001 to provide legal protection to all born babies, wanted or not, including the right to medical care.

Then-state Senator Barack Obama voted against Born Alive 4 times in 3 years and was the sole senator to speak against it on the Senate floor in 2001 and 2002.

In 2002, the Federal version of Born Alive passed unanimously in the US Senate and by overwhelming voice vote in the House. The pro-abortion group NARAL even went neutral on the bill.

But In 2003, Barack Obama voted against the identical version of Born Alive in Illinois. Then, for the next 4 years he repeatedly misrepresented his vote until it was recently discovered in the IL General Assembly archives.
SOOOOO, If I feel another human being should die I'm free to kill him/ her and allow God to decide after my death !! SICK MINDS are saying this!!, Must all be crazy libs ans support Obama !! FOLKS - THINK BEFORE YOU VOTE!!
I knew I'd get your attention with that title!

All jokes aside this is a serious post.

Let me start with my personal views. For myself, I don't agree with abortion, but I would never make that decision for another woman! It is a personal choice!

BUT, and here is the big but, when an egg grows into a VITAL HUMAN CHILD, able to LIVE ON THEIR OWN outside the womb, THEY ARE A HUMAN BEING AT THAT POINT!!!

obama has voted to withhold care of a baby born ALIVE while performing an abortion!! This IS MURDER! People are in prison for killing babies that were formed and already a LIVE CHILD and still in the womb.

obama has actively worked against banning PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION. This is murder of infants. There is no debating it.

Does anyone have an excuse for his actions and votes?
SOOOOO, If I feel another human being should die I'm free to kill him/ her and allow God to decide after my death !! SICK MINDS are saying this!!, Must all be crazy libs ans support Obama !! FOLKS - THINK BEFORE YOU VOTE!!
If you oppose killing live babies, you cannot support abortion of a fully developed foetus.

HOWEVER, until it is fully developed its a completley different matter and the mother should still have choice over whether she keeps it or not.
If you oppose killing live babies, you cannot support abortion of a fully developed foetus.

HOWEVER, until it is fully developed its a completley different matter and the mother should still have choice over whether she keeps it or not.

Thank you. That is exactly what I am saying. Fully formed, nonfetus...able to live outside the womb, ARE CHILDREN and therefore have RIGHTS.
However, a 4 week old foetus IS NOT MURDER OF A HUMAN.

If you think it is, what is your logical base? That it COULD become a human? Best make sure you never waste a single sperm on the same grounds then eh?

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