Baby lived for nearly an hour after birth and abandonment by doctor in botched abortion

Are late term abortions and after birth murders of babies occurring? Absolutely. How are abortionists getting away with such atrocities? Because they lie and abortion proponents cover for them, including leftist media outlets that refuse to report such atrocities and law enforcement and medical officials tied to democrat policy making and leftist job promotions and security, and more. If you like to stay employed, for example, you will not report after birth botched abortion deaths. 10-3-24

Doctor Left This Baby to Die After He Survived a Late-Term Abortion

Contrary to the abortionist’s and the Hospital’s claims that the baby was born dead, the Nurse, the baby’s grandmother and the Medical Examiner all claim that the baby was born alive, the ME goes further to say that the baby struggled for breath outside the womb for nearly an hour. The abortionist repeatedly claimed the baby was stillborn, yet he told the police that 30 minutes after delivery, he was waiting to see if there was “any more fetal activity.”

The State Attorney stated that there was no reliable testimony that indicated the abortionist actively smothered the baby. OK, but certainly, malpractice happened because no medical assistance was provided to the baby as required by Florida Law. There is a preponderance of evidence in this case that the child survived the abortion attempt and was born alive. In his statements to the police and when questioned about babies who survive abortions, the abortionist said that his usual procedure is to “not do anything and let the fetus expire, don’t do anything immediately.” His usual procedure? How many babies had he killed?

The abortionist may not have actively smothered the baby, but he willfully let the baby die under a pile of dirty towels and sheets placed on the baby’s face. But the State attorney found nothing wrong with his, which begs the question, what kind of state attorney reads this report, looks at the preponderance of the evidence that there was an apparent disregard for Florida law, and concludes that no crime was committed? A pro-abortion zealot who was later labeled the Butcher of Waco, that’s who. The State Attorney for Miami-Dade County in 1989 was Janet Reno.

Despite recently renewed and boisterous attempts by pro-abortion advocates to dismiss the reality, late-term and after-birth abortions happen. They always have and at an alarming rate. The Democrats’ gaslighting of the American public on this issue is reprehensible, and the willful underreporting of these blatant lies by the mainstream media is disgraceful.
It's nothing to do with democrats you lying old prick. But it doesn't matter.

They will be elected and your efforts to thwart it will be in vain.