Obama takes Israel style missile response

I've got a better idea, I'm sure those of you on the right will love, lets just go murder all their woman and children, similar to what Israel was attempting in Gaza, then they won't have any so called shields at all.

Simple, huh?.. and it will satisfy the thirst for blood those on the right seem to always have.

Funny you should suggest that since, isn't that what Obama just did?
I was thinking lets build US Settlements in the west part of Pakistan, then bulldoze all there homes, and jail them if we want with out charge , or just fast quick group trials where we don't let them know the charge or speak...

First, we'd have to defeat Pakistan in a military battle, and then have them shooting rockets into the US. After that, sure, let's do it.
Well, consider that statement for a second in the context of Iraq and Afghanistan. If that were true then the conflict would have escalated out of all proportion but facts suggest otherwise. Look, these fire and brimstone preachers in US make me laugh, their ridiculous quasi-religious rhetoric is just puerile and most normal Christians would dismiss these people as raving lunatics - exactly the same as the equivalent normal Moslim would regard these preachers of hate. They and their followers are in a vast minority.

I fear you inject a tad too much hyperbole into your statements.....:)

Um... you are pathetically mistaken. Yet I wager most of America is just as ignorant.

I happen to work with a group of Muslims, and their take was quite different. A young muslim man from the Chicago area was questioned by a couple of muslims from the middle east, on who's side would he fight on if they were called to fight. He specifically said, if a Jihad was called in America, he'd fight with the muslims. The reason he was asked is because they found out his brother and father had converted to Christianity. He was saying he'd fight against his own family.

You leftist really need to wake up about these violent muslim sects.

You should watch:
Terrorists Among Us - Jihad in America
Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West
Islam: What the West Needs to Know

Maybe you'll figure out this isn't some small crackpot group of Islamic outcasts. It's much more mainstream than you think, and it's growing.
So is it always bad for Israel to do to direct attacks on it's citizens, but ok for us to do against a very remote target in another nation? Or only when Bailout-Barack does it?

WTF? nice grammar. Got a better idea, how about you learn to present your point in understandable English instead of gibberish, then maybe we would take you seriously....

In other words, what the hell are you trying to say?
According to the news reports that I've read, no permission from Obama was required or asked for for this missile attack in Pakistan. This is a holdover policy from the Bush administration. Bush basically put the decision in the hands of the military authorities in theatre.

Obama may or may not change the policy. I suspect that there will be a lot of similar things come up that the Bush administration put on autopilot. Obama will find out about them as they occur.
Suspected US missile strike, not of Obama's ordering..

So, did we shell Pakistan or not? And who gave the orders if not the standing Commander In Chief? Who is running our government if not our elected officials? Is this Cheney's CIA still fully operational and at work in spite of a new administration? Isn't this what you call a domestic rebellion? If someone who we don't know about, even Congress and the President is commanding our military, that means our goverment has been overthrown successfully. Some outside source has siezed the power of the military from the President. That's what the down-home folks call a coup. Are we now no longer The United States Of America?

I want hard answers to these questions and not a bunch of siderailing, namecalling and the usual evasion tactics..
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Jan. 23 -- At least 20 people were killed in northwest Pakistan near the border of Afghanistan on Friday in two suspected U.S. missile strikes, marking the first such attack in Pakistan's tribal areas since President Obama's inauguration.

A U.S. Predator drone fired three missiles at a compound about two miles from the town of Mirali in the tribal area of North Waziristan about 5:15 p.m...

..There were conflicting accounts about the number of casualties in the first attack. Local residents said there were at least 11 bodies, but Pakistani television channels said 10 were killed.

The second strike occurred about three hours later near the tribal capital of Wana in South Waziristan, according to a Pakistani political official in the area. A U.S. drone fired two missiles at a compound in the small village of Gangikhel..

..Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas, a spokesman for the Pakistani army, declined to comment on the strike, referring calls to the Pakistani Foreign Ministry. A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry also declined to comment.

The United States generally does not comment on or confirm whether it is behind missile attacks. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs refused to take questions about the incident at his regular briefing for reporters in Washington on Friday...

..The notable change in tempo and reported accuracy could be partly attributed to a growing sense of urgency inside the Bush White House as the progress in the seven-year long war in Afghanistan stalled during the waning days of the administration....

...Although the Obama administration has signaled its intention to make a sharp break with some Bush policies, including using the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a detention facility for suspected terrorists, the White House indicated that it will proceed cautiously in Pakistan and Afghanistan where the CIA has dominated U.S. strategy since 2001.~Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/23/AR2009012301220_2.html?hpid=topnews
The last paragraph is rather interesting. Is it the Bush or the Obama "Whitehouse" giving the orders? WHO IS THE CIA WORKING FOR? :mad: Who, and I want specifics, is running the show for real?
I happen to work with a group of Muslims, and their take was quite different. A young muslim man from the Chicago area was questioned by a couple of muslims from the middle east, on who's side would he fight on if they were called to fight. He specifically said, if a Jihad was called in America, he'd fight with the muslims. The reason he was asked is because they found out his brother and father had converted to Christianity. He was saying he'd fight against his own family.
......so he represents the majority view huh!!!!???

You leftist really need to wake up about these violent muslim sects.
.....many thanks for the warning Sir, I shall keep my eyes peeled in future.
......so he represents the majority view huh!!!!???

How do you know he doesn't? Why do the documentaries listed, show thousands of Muslims saying the same thing?

This isn't the first time I ran into Muslims saying similar things, and no doubt it will be the last. Why did Obama's people show up at a Muslims rally that supported violence and anti-Israel rhetoric? Maybe because it is the mainstream Muslim view?

If you have alternative evidence, please submit it.
The last paragraph is rather interesting. Is it the Bush or the Obama "Whitehouse" giving the orders? WHO IS THE CIA WORKING FOR? :mad: Who, and I want specifics, is running the show for real?

The CIA works for the government, under the direction of the Whitehouse.

The article you posted said the CIA dominated the U.S. strategy, isn't meant to imply it controlled the strategy, but rather, was the key player of our governments plan.

This makes logical sense given we wanted to have as little as possible known about our raids into Pakistan. Therefore covert operations are the most prudent way of dealing with terrorist forces there.

Clearly, Obama is following the same plan Bush had in place, contrary to the claims of the article. The missile strike was likely just another CIA operation.
According to the news reports that I've read, no permission from Obama was required or asked for for this missile attack in Pakistan. This is a holdover policy from the Bush administration. Bush basically put the decision in the hands of the military authorities in theatre.

Obama may or may not change the policy. I suspect that there will be a lot of similar things come up that the Bush administration put on autopilot. Obama will find out about them as they occur.

That's pretty scary I think. You are telling me, that the US military would fire off a load of missiles into Pakistan, an allied nation, without the direct approval, or at least permission, of the sitting president of the US?

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