I see no problem with ensuring that we have the capability to protect our interests around the world.
It has drawn fire because the administration was unable to make any case at all as to why it was in our national interest to participate in Libya. They even admitted that we had no interest there.
In Iraq, I think the Bush Administration made an initial case for why our interests were at stake in Iraq, but it was based on bad intelligence.
I'm not sure we got involved in Vietnam to "force other nations to do our bidding."
I don't see what our percentage of population of the world has to do with anything....we need the ability to protect our interests at all times, and have a military capable of completing the missions we assign it...regardless of all other factors.
Yes, we need the ability to protect our interests, and to secure our borders, and to keep ourselves safe in a dangerous world. What we don't need is the ability to use military force against whatever nation we see as a problem, for whatever reason. We went into Vietnam to "fight Communism" and "win the hearts and minds of the people". When we lost that one, Communism didn't take over SE Asia after all, and Vietnam became a trading partner. We went into Iraq because it was seen as a threat to us, which was bogus. The PNAC agenda is what it is, and it is being discredited to the benefit of our nation and the rest of the world.