Obama signs tax bill into law

Obama had his chance to raise 'appropriate' taxes on the rich, but he did not do it. I suspect no democrat really thinks Democrats need to raise the taxes on the rich because so many Democrats are rich and so many of them get all their campaign funds from rich donors.
you can "suspect" anything you like!
You mean he didn't raise taxes on anyone? Tax bills don't allow party registration as a criteria duh
I'm saying there is no evidence that Democrats in recent memory have raised taxes on the wealthy like they tell their gullible mobs of followers that they will do if given the power.
I'm saying there is no evidence that Democrats in recent memory have raised taxes on the wealthy like they tell their gullible mobs of followers that they will do if given the power.


Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats proposed their wealth tax in 2019 and in 2020 the Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency. Did the Democrats ever pass the much-hyped tax on the wealthy they have been promising for so many decades?
Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats proposed their wealth tax in 2019 and in 2020 the Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency. Did the Democrats ever pass the much-hyped tax on the wealthy they have been promising for so many decades?

if you don't control the senate with 60 votes, you can't force anything to be passed, *****. lol.

you're so stupid.
if you don't control the senate with 60 votes, you can't force anything to be passed, *****. lol.

you're so stupid.
So that's the problem? Democrats failed to hike taxes on the rich because they did not have a 60-seat majority under a Democrat president?

Democrats did have a 60-seat majority in the Senate for brief periods in 2009 and 2010 but they only passed universal healthcare taxes in those moments of sheer joy but did nothing to raise taxes on their rich donors.
So that's the problem? Democrats failed to hike taxes on the rich because they did not have a 60-seat majority under a Democrat president?

Democrats did have a 60-seat majority in the Senate for brief periods in 2009 and 2010 but they only passed universal healthcare taxes in those moments of sheer joy but did nothing to raise taxes on their rich donors.
Not having a supermajority in the senate is a problem for passing bills yes
So that's the problem? Democrats failed to hike taxes on the rich because they did not have a 60-seat majority under a Democrat president?

Democrats did have a 60-seat majority in the Senate for brief periods in 2009 and 2010 but they only passed universal healthcare taxes in those moments of sheer joy but did nothing to raise taxes on their rich donors.
And they had independents in that total not all Democrats of course
So that's the problem? Democrats failed to hike taxes on the rich because they did not have a 60-seat majority under a Democrat president?

Democrats did have a 60-seat majority in the Senate for brief periods in 2009 and 2010 but they only passed universal healthcare taxes in those moments of sheer joy but did nothing to raise taxes on their rich donors.
And of course at the time the concern was the great recession not taxes
Dems did a great job on saving us of course
Not having a supermajority in the senate is a problem for passing bills yes
That super majority rarely ever happens, letting Democrats off the hook with their constituents who ask why they talk about raising taxes on the rich but never actually do it.
That super majority rarely ever happens, letting Democrats off the hook with their constituents who ask why they talk about raising taxes on the rich but never actually do it.

yeah, the dems are off the hook because they can't do something.
that's actually how it works. you can't be blamed for something you can't do. duh
yeah, the dems are off the hook because they can't do something.
that's actually how it works. you can't be blamed for something you can't do. duh
Sadly, even though leading Democrats know they will never do anything to satisfy the desire of their poor followers to rob the rich and give to the poor, the poor deluded Democrat followers do not know their leaders have no intention of doing what they claim they will do.