Well-Known Member
ANOTHER born-again leftwing debt hawk.Notice these guys morph into frugal folks AFTER obozo spent two years shipping trainloads of cash to every leftwing constituency.
actuly I talked about spending and debt..under Bush, Bush, Clinton, and obama...you just ignore it. there is a reason I was a Perot supporter...
what many on the right always fail to see, is that some spending...saves money...some spending cost money.
Its actually a very easy concept to get, though few seem to get it when it comes to government ( business people get it)
All Spending is not equal...
57 Billion for unemployment extension...where will this money go? pretty much all of it goes back into the economy as spending...unemployed tend to not save money...just as a natural rule. Also there is a major social benefit of not having more and more lose there homes, destroying housing market again, and not leading to homeless or poverty ...total cost in the end, will be lower then whats spent, when factor in jobs saved and or created, and increased taxes from spending....
$81.5 billion...to the rich, for income over 250,000....this money will have almost no economic stimulus.. this will also not end in 13 months...or being realistic, 2 years...the true cost will be far higher as in 2 years...all sane people know that politically it will again be passed...so higher cost over 2 years, far higher long term cost...no economic stimulus , and no social benefits unless you just like to make sure the rich are still getting richer, while the middle class still keeps losing
Business tax breaks: $69 billion
investment in the future and part of this is to push for more R and D..something good for our econ long run...of course some of this is also energy credits that can be good long term, or bad...if going to Oil or Ethenal then its flushing money down the pipe to buy supporters...if its real investment in making our energy system more efficient, clean, and advanced...its a good investment. the last 21 Billion of this...is that buisness can write off 100% of cost of expenses for 2011...I don't know enough about how this part will be done to say much as to how much stimulative effect this could have next to its costs...
68 billion. for estate tax cuts...cuts on estate taxes over 1 million and less then 5 million...and lower rates for those above 5 million....zero stimulus or economic help outside of for the rich again...oddly in my whole life, never known a single person who had a "small buisness" who this effected...because the republican use of Small buisness in this tax...is anything but small...
Large cost , no offset in econ boost...also most likey will be hard to get back to normal rate in 2 years...meaning long term cost are higher....