Top Gun is a proud Progressive, so its not unusual for him to start off one of his tirades by erecting a
strawman. Apparently Top Gun doesn't believe that
we are all created equal or that
we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. Instead he believes such founding principles to be outdated and that only his Progressive philosophy of Big Government, Big Brother and Welfare Statism can serve as the measure of enlightenment. As such, he advocates for the sacrifice of individual rights and rational self interest on the altruistic altar of the common good as his ultimate Progressive ideal.
The individual is the smallest minority on earth and those who oppose individual rights cannot claim to be protectors of minority rights. Progressives want only Group Rights, and only for the groups they deem worthy. They demand that some groups be discriminated against in order for their groups to receive special treatement. Diversity to a Progressive is purely superficial, based on skin color or sexual orientation... Progressives expect, and demand, that there be no diversity of thought or opinion. Listen to the Progressives decry Conservatives as Racists, while they themselves use racial epithets to attack black Conservatives. Listen to them decry Conservatives as Sexists, while they themselves launch sexist attacks against Conservative women.
I would like to see all individuals respected as equals, with equal rights and treated equally under the law. Equal justice is blind justice: blindfolded, just as the statue depicts. Progressives wish to remove that blindfold, they want lady justice to discriminate against those she stands in judgement over; giving preferential treatment to some and harsher treatment to others... They call this practice of discrimination Social Justice and refer to such rulings as a judge being Empathetic.
Such is the battle between tyranny and freedom... as it was 200 years ago, so it will be 200 years from now. Tyrants will always seek to rule the lives of freemen and todays battle between the founding principles of this nation and the oppressive principles of Progressivism is just another battle in that never ending war.