Obama: Pay to Play

Oh just admit it. Your messiah dude is a limousine riding, crack smokin Chicago thug style druggie who is playing president for a little while.

You Conservatives slay me!:D

You actually like that fat, bloated, intellectually void, fearmonger, OxyContin pill Heroin addict, more than the President of the United States.

That God you guys got kicked to the curb... LOL!:D
I just read your note regarding President Obama’s appointment of fund raisers with limited diplomatic experience to various ambassador posts, and I wanted to alert you to the fact that even Ambassador Ronald Neumann, the diplomatic expert you quoted in your article and obviously one of our nation’s most respected diplomats, agrees with the President on at least one appointment.

Ambassador Neumann recently commended the White House Personnel Office on nominating Mr. Chet Edward “Ed” Cunningham (leading Asia business/legal expert, served on Obama’s National Finance Committee, contributed $85,500to the Obama Victory Fund and gave $15,000 to transition/inaugural efforts) for the position of U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development, and wrote a letter to Rahm Emanuel praising the qualifications of Mr. Cunningham.

Though Ambassador Neumann has been critical of some appointments, he is also willing to give the President and the White House Personnel Office credit when they meet the high standards he has set for the nation’s diplomatic efforts, and as soon as your schedule permits, I hope that you will provide your readers with the other side of this issue.
CLCLonghorn, welcome to the HOP and I'm honored that you chose one of my threads to be where you broke your cherry. I do hope to see you remain active on the forum.

... I wanted to alert you to the fact that even Ambassador Ronald Neumann, the diplomatic expert you quoted in your article and obviously one of our nation’s most respected diplomats, agrees with the President on at least one appointment.

... I hope that you will provide your readers with the other side of this issue.
As even you noted, he was quoted in the article. I didn't hide, or otherwise withhold, the "other" side of the issue, I made sure it was there for all to see... The proof of that is, you saw it.

Considering that just one ambassador is publically agreeing with just one fellow ambassador being appointed by his O'liness... The "other" side is at best paper thin but you're right, people do need such razor thin "sides" highlighted lest they miss them:

Good People of Earth: His O'liness has been praised by a single ambassador, Nuemann, for having chosen one particular person for an ambassadorship that actually meets, or exceeds, the high expectations set forth for individuals seeking such positions. Ambassador Nuemann has thereby infered, though not stated such directly in every case, through his comments that the other 99% of ambassadorship appointees were sub-par by his high standards.

As the late Paul Harvey used to say: "...And that is the Rest of the Story." [long dramatic pause] "Good day!"
In addition to Mr. Cunningham's nomination, Ambassador Neumann also praised the President for appointing Charles "Chas" Freeman to head the National Intelligence Council. Whether it is 2 or 200, we do not know because Ambassador Neumann is only asked to comment on candidates with limited foreign policy experience.

Like President Obama, Ambassador Neumann is obviously a dedicated patriot, and I would bet they agree on much more than they disagree, and I have found this is the same for most Americans.

I am new to the online politics debate, but my philosphy is Republicans = 1%, Democrats = 1%, and 98% of Americans are just trying to do the best they can for their families.
Here's Obama with another one of his good buddies, Rod Blagojevich...
.....And, here's one o' the Bush Family's greater-$upporter$, lookin' to take his shot at The Oval Office!!

"If the Republican Party is in danger of being marginalized as a conservative, white male Southern enclave, is Haley Barbour - the longtime Washington power broker and current Mississippi governor - the best person to turn things around?

Many rank-and-file Republicans and party leaders say yes, as the 61-year-old Barbour prepares to ramp up his national profile this month with back-to-back trips to the early presidential voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

With his good ol' boy charm and a drawl as thick as Mississippi mud, Barbour at first blush might not fit anyone's idea of the standard bearer for a party looking to diversify."​
I am new to the online politics debate,
Welcome. I don't see any of these topics as a debates but most do... I have yet to see anyone "win" an online discussion although they routinely declare themselves victorious. So I content myself with trying to find individuals who are willing, and able, to explain their position and why they hold it because that makes for a more interesting discussion.


but my philosphy is Republicans = 1%, Democrats = 1%, and 98% of Americans are just trying to do the best they can for their families.
What percentage of Americans do you imagine would agree with the following statement: I want government to leave me alone so that I may live my life as I see fit.

Both the Republicans and Democrats wish to dictate how I live by narrowing or eliminating choices they disagree with. Regulation, Legislation and Taxation are the tools by which they institute this "soft" tyrrany. Governments only role should be strictly limited to that of protecting us from force and fraud, little more.

Both major parties are corrupt, power hungry, self serving statist institutions filled with hypocrisy and as such, I am a CaLiCo, Capitlist, Libertarian, Conservative. Where you see 'obvious dedicated patriots', I see slimy, say anything to get elected and stay in power politicians hell bent on expanding the power of the state over every aspect of our lives.


A state strong enough to provide you with all you need to live is strong enough to take all you need to live away from you. This is the state being built on the backs of American families just trying to do the best they can.
Welcome. I don't see any of these topics as a debates but most do... I have yet to see anyone "win" an online discussion although they routinely declare themselves victorious. So I content myself with trying to find individuals who are willing, and able, to explain their position and why they hold it because that makes for a more interesting discussion.


What percentage of Americans do you imagine would agree with the following statement: I want government to leave me alone so that I may live my life as I see fit.

Both the Republicans and Democrats wish to dictate how I live by narrowing or eliminating choices they disagree with. Regulation, Legislation and Taxation are the tools by which they institute this "soft" tyrrany. Governments only role should be strictly limited to that of protecting us from force and fraud, little more.

Both major parties are corrupt, power hungry, self serving statist institutions filled with hypocrisy and as such, I am a CaLiCo, Capitlist, Libertarian, Conservative. Where you see 'obvious dedicated patriots', I see slimy, say anything to get elected and stay in power politicians hell bent on expanding the power of the state over every aspect of our lives.


A state strong enough to provide you with all you need to live is strong enough to take all you need to live away from you. This is the state being built on the backs of American families just trying to do the best they can.

The thing Conservatives always try to do in their attempt to avoid the current reality is this... they act as if the United States of America and the world is EXACTLY the same as it was 200 years ago. Well it is obviously not.

Our country and it's population is not mostly rural with families of multiple generations living together.

Percentage wise almost no families grow & raise their own food and barter for other things they need.

Churches in today's world on their own couldn't even adequately help 5% of all the needy.

Slavery is no longer legal (as it was originally in the Constitution)

Women have rights & are no longer refused the vote (as it was originally in the Constitution)

There's been a huge industrial revolution.

There's been a huge information & technology revolution.

The entire world is an entirely different place than it was 200 years ago and to convince one's self that there is never any changes needed as times, conditions, events, technology, laws and history moves on is an argument without deep merit.

If all was perfect in the original documents than you have to agree slavery was a good thing. If slavery wasn't a good thing then occasional adjustments are proven to be needed.

I love America!
What percentage of Americans do you imagine would agree with the following statement: I want government to leave me alone so that I may live my life as I see fit.
Yeah....I can reeeeaaaalllly imagine your average, effeminate Republican, providing for themself.


The thing Conservatives always try to do in their attempt to avoid the current reality is this... they act as if the United States of America and the world is EXACTLY the same as it was 200 years ago. Well it is obviously not.
Top Gun is a proud Progressive, so its not unusual for him to start off one of his tirades by erecting a strawman. Apparently Top Gun doesn't believe that we are all created equal or that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. Instead he believes such founding principles to be outdated and that only his Progressive philosophy of Big Government, Big Brother and Welfare Statism can serve as the measure of enlightenment. As such, he advocates for the sacrifice of individual rights and rational self interest on the altruistic altar of the common good as his ultimate Progressive ideal.

The individual is the smallest minority on earth and those who oppose individual rights cannot claim to be protectors of minority rights. Progressives want only Group Rights, and only for the groups they deem worthy. They demand that some groups be discriminated against in order for their groups to receive special treatement. Diversity to a Progressive is purely superficial, based on skin color or sexual orientation... Progressives expect, and demand, that there be no diversity of thought or opinion. Listen to the Progressives decry Conservatives as Racists, while they themselves use racial epithets to attack black Conservatives. Listen to them decry Conservatives as Sexists, while they themselves launch sexist attacks against Conservative women.

I would like to see all individuals respected as equals, with equal rights and treated equally under the law. Equal justice is blind justice: blindfolded, just as the statue depicts. Progressives wish to remove that blindfold, they want lady justice to discriminate against those she stands in judgement over; giving preferential treatment to some and harsher treatment to others... They call this practice of discrimination Social Justice and refer to such rulings as a judge being Empathetic.

In short, I am a Liberal in the classic sense of the word, in the Jeffersonian principles of Liberalism that founded our country on the idea that free men should be free to live their lives as they see fit and the Government be the one who must exist within strict limits. I am one who will still say; I may not agree with what it is you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it! Top Gun, and the other Progressives, would prefer government limit me and my freedoms, limit my speech, limit my actions and options, so that I will be forced to live my life in accordance with their Progressive will, or at least remain silent and made unable to voice my objections.

Such is the battle between tyranny and freedom... as it was 200 years ago, so it will be 200 years from now. Tyrants will always seek to rule the lives of freemen and todays battle between the founding principles of this nation and the oppressive principles of Progressivism is just another battle in that never ending war.
Top Gun is a proud Progressive, so its not unusual for him to start off one of his tirades by erecting a strawman. Apparently Top Gun doesn't believe that we are all created equal or that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. Instead he believes such founding principles to be outdated and that only his Progressive philosophy of Big Government, Big Brother and Welfare Statism can serve as the measure of enlightenment. As such, he advocates for the sacrifice of individual rights and rational self interest on the altruistic altar of the common good as his ultimate Progressive ideal.

The individual is the smallest minority on earth and those who oppose individual rights cannot claim to be protectors of minority rights. Progressives want only Group Rights, and only for the groups they deem worthy. They demand that some groups be discriminated against in order for their groups to receive special treatement. Diversity to a Progressive is purely superficial, based on skin color or sexual orientation... Progressives expect, and demand, that there be no diversity of thought or opinion. Listen to the Progressives decry Conservatives as Racists, while they themselves use racial epithets to attack black Conservatives. Listen to them decry Conservatives as Sexists, while they themselves launch sexist attacks against Conservative women.

I would like to see all individuals respected as equals, with equal rights and treated equally under the law. Equal justice is blind justice: blindfolded, just as the statue depicts. Progressives wish to remove that blindfold, they want lady justice to discriminate against those she stands in judgement over; giving preferential treatment to some and harsher treatment to others... They call this practice of discrimination Social Justice and refer to such rulings as a judge being Empathetic.

Such is the battle between tyranny and freedom... as it was 200 years ago, so it will be 200 years from now. Tyrants will always seek to rule the lives of freemen and todays battle between the founding principles of this nation and the oppressive principles of Progressivism is just another battle in that never ending war.

And this is how GenSeneca and his Conservative Gestapo see the world... this is the scary side of not wanting to learn and improve one's self or one's surroundings. It used to be called being stuck on stupid... read it all and see if this isn't a familiar tone in GenSeneca's writings... :)

You Know What's Stupid? Everything I Don't Understand
By Steven Bowman
February 27, 2008

For far too long I've sat idly by, twiddling my thumbs and respecting the right of others to form thoughts and opinions independent of my own, and I can't take it anymore. I've got to speak up about the many things that annoy me or I'm going to go crazy. Take these new credit cards with the microchips in them, for instance. Man, those things really get my goat—trying to improve a device that was working perfectly fine as it was. Even worse are those wrappers on CDs that take forever to open. But you know what I hate the most? The one thing that makes my blood boil whenever I see it? Anything beyond my mental capacity, that's what.

God, all the people, places, and things I haven't made the least bit of effort to comprehend should just die already.

Will you look at all this stuff I have neither the intellect nor the maturity level to process? What a load of crap. It's in my face every day, doing lots of things I don't have an immediate desire to do and saying things I can't identify with at this stage in my life. How lame is that? I mean, what kind of pathetic loser would actually enjoy something that's so incredibly not among my personal preferences? Not me, that's for sure.

Maybe my standards are too high, but if you like any of the hundreds upon hundreds of things that are too multifaceted for my attention span, you should have your head examined, weirdo.

And don't even get me started on complex and sophisticated notions I can't possibly wrap my head around. That stuff makes me want to puke. Just knowing there are people out there who like—actually like—interacting with concepts that overwhelm my feeble consciousness makes me embarrassed to be an American. I don't like it in our homes, I don't like it in our schools, I don't like it outside of my comfort zone—well, I just plain don't like it. And if that makes me closed-minded, well, then I guess I'll have to dismiss that accusation outright in order to avoid being introspective even for a moment.

Why, only yesterday I saw a commercial on TV for a new product I have no immediate use for and therefore cannot see any value in. Who's making this worthless junk? Seriously. If I see one more household appliance I am not mature enough to own or operate, I'm going to punch someone. I swear. Sell that to the suckers with the money and inclination to buy it, because I wouldn't take it off your hands if you gave it to me, provided me with a living situation stable enough to house it, and showed me how to use it in a manner that didn't disrupt any of my cripplingly sedentary lifestyle habits.

Same goes with any TV show, movie, band, solo act, artist, book, burgeoning subculture, celebrity, fashion trend, or religious belief that makes me feel excluded from my peers or otherwise ostracized by the mainstream. That stuff is retarded.

While I'm at it, I'm sick to death of this growing trend of people who don't share my cultural heritage. I don't know how you did things back in that country I never took the time to educate myself about, but around here, we dip our fries in ketchup. That's the way it's always been as far as I know, and that's the way it's going to be until such time as I choose to acknowledge diversity among the earth's 6.6 billion people.

If things don't start changing around here, I might have to up and leave this town. It's gotten to the point where I can't walk down the street without having some flier thrust into my face, advertising some dumb concert or stupid party or annoying art festival or lame-o Minnesota primary or any number of other events that no sane person with a crippling fear of the unknown and a wildly underdeveloped imagination would ever want to go to. I've never been to any of these social gatherings, but I imagine the scores of people who attend them must be total idiots.

You know what? You geeks go knock yourselves out. Really. Have a blast with all your differences in personality and preference. Don't worry about me, because I'll be sitting at home alone listening to the same four records I've been listening to since college, laughing at your expense.

What a bunch of losers.
And this is how GenSeneca and his Conservative Gestapo see the world...
Progressives are so predictable...

Progressives truly are the anti-liberals...

this is the scary side of not wanting to learn and improve one's self or one's surroundings.
I should have been a fisherman, I catch so many Red Herrings...

It used to be called being stuck on stupid... read it all and see if this isn't a familiar tone in GenSeneca's writings.
Speaking of stuck on stupid...

Top Gun should "Change" his brand of toilet paper to something that reflects his feelings towards the things Conservatives value.

Top Gun should "Change" his brand of toilet paper to something that reflects his feelings towards the things Conservatives value.

Well in the first clip this Republican leader admits to having sex... WITH A MULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: WHAT!!!

Well in the first clip this Republican leader admits to having sex... WITH A MULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: WHAT!!!

Where you FAIL is in thinking I care about the Republican party... I wish they would fold up their tent and disappear. You deserve a one party system. With any luck, all of America will be the Progressive Utopia that you've created in Michigan after all these years of unopposed rule.


We can only hope that your dear leader can bring such change.
With any luck, all of America will be the Progressive Utopia that you've created in Michigan after all these years of unopposed rule.

Let me think........ live in Michigan....... or have sex with a MULE!!!!!!! I'm living in Michigan.

Dude Conservatives are in the Republicant Party certainly not the Democratic Party.

And I thought trolling airport restrooms for gay stall sex was bad.

I was mistaken. I had the STALL part right though, huh?;)

A MULE!!! A Republicant Family Values leader admits he had sexual intercourse with a MULE... and many times over! OMG!!!

So in your world, since there are conservatives in the Republican party, that means all republicans are conservatives? Did you know there are conservatives in the democrat party too? Fewer, but they do exist.

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