Here's Obama with another one of his good buddies, Rod Blagojevich...
In case you forgot, or never heard, Blagojevich is a fellow Democrat... Busted for his "Pay to Play" scandal in trying to sell Obama's empty senate seat. That's how they do things in Chicago...
There they are yucking it up... you can see the two of them laughing about ways to defraud the taxpayers, use thier positions of power to engratiate themselves financially and how to get the press run cover for your actions. Blago forgot the last part.
Both of them are trying really hard not to laugh in that photo...
Obama, Bush and Cheney all rolled into one... Except Obama is a much better liar.
Gosh, Obama is a politician who has to pay off his political supporters, just like every other successful pol. I hope he is smarter, and at least a little more ethical, than Blagojevich at least.
Now we know that Obama is not a messianic character who is above reproach, can't walk on water, and can't get elected without paying off his supporters. He is just a politician after all.
BTW, he is still better than Bush, which isn't really much of an endorsement, is it?
That last photo looks like it has Jay Leno's chin.