obama no Reagan, JFK

top gun, I would STRONGLY suggest you do some more research on the events that LED to the Cuban Missile Crisis

You're suggesting that top gun do RESEARCH???!!! :D

The Howlers are coming fast and thick today. :D :) :p
Kennedy, had he lived might have evolved into a flaming lib but when he was alive, the choices he made would be considered conservative by today's standards.

Since when are lower taxes considered liberal thinking?
or a ban on any country GOD forbid a communist one?

or even his most famous line, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Libs today think of the government as their mother or nanny. That was not what Kennedy thought.

If he were alive today and saying/doing the things today he talked about then, libs would spit in his face!

Ridiculous... If JFK were here today he'd be standing arm in arm with his brother and the rest of his family.

Times change, circumstances change... we now need to focus on repairing this Republican economic debacle the same way Bill Clinton focused in on fixing the economy with his "It's the economy stupid!" understanding of what America needed when he took the country over from Bush #1.

sidebar: It should be noted that Bush #1 only got left holding the bag on the economy from Reagan's run up of the deficit. Even Bush #1 acknowledged that trying to justify huge deficits was "VOODOO ECONOMICS!"
Federal Farmer;51240]Right, the lower echelons ALWAYS take the fall when Democrats whip it out and stomp on it. At least in the GOP if YOU screw up, YOU take the fall.

Read a book... inside historical documentation is conclusive on the matter.

top gun, I would STRONGLY suggest you do some more research on the events that LED to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

I know all about it in great detail (wife ex-Army Military Intelligence Russian linguist... remember). She is the ultimate researcher. When she moved in my whole frickin' house became one big military/historical/political library. So much for my imported beer glass collections & Harley paraphernalia... :)

You want to now what millimeter guns were on the heavy Soviet tank at that time period... I'm staring at the book across the room as we speak, it's called The Soviet War Machine.

But only the ones that weren't friendly with his family. Don't forget that Joe Kennedy built the family fortune BOOTLEGGING during Prohibition.

OMG I can't believe you said that... that's actually kinda true!!! Joe Kennedy did make a lot of his fortune bootlegging. But after prohibition ended Joe Kennedy was a strictly legitimate businessman. He even was appointed as an United States Ambassador.

That's where a lot of the rumors about the mafia possibly being involved in President Kennedy's assassination came from. Many believe that the Mafia was none too happy that a former bootleggers son was really putting the squeeze on their illegal activities.

I see your aptitude for history, especially Southern history, isn't what it really should be. George Wallace, acting as Governor of Alabama, did precisely and exactly what the majority of the people of the State of Alabama told him to do even though he himself was NOT a racist.

No... Actually it's pretty good. George Wallace HIMSELF in his later years after being shot wrote an appology to African Americans for all the many things he had done against them.

Again, balls instead of brains. Kennedy rushed a program that was already on the books, costing the taxpayers thousands of times more than it would have cost, just to be able to poke the Soviet Bearin the eye with a pointy stick.

You come up with some silly stuff. :)

I too remember the Kennedy assassination, and I too wept, but not for Kennedy, but because I realized what it would do to America. I never liked the man, but I sure as HELL didn't want to see him made some kind of damned martyr, which is exactly what he's become. As a result of the assassination, nobody is willing to seriously look at his Presidency out of some sort of "respect for the dead", and that's the saddest part about it, because now we're stuck with the illusion of "Camelot" instead of seeing it for what it really was, bone headed move after bone headed move.

Yeah... you're a stellar guy.

And from what I've seen thus far, if Obama IS elected, we'll have at least 4 more years of "stuck on stupid", only this time we'll be lucky if we live through it. That is of course unless someone gets INCREDIBLY stupid and kills him, in which case we'll have ANOTHER martyr on our hands, and ANOTHER 40 years of "what ifs".

Well that's what I call a quality "STRATEGERY" you have there my friend. Republicans couldn't govern our country with two hands and a flashlight... ground almost everything into the ground except for corporate welfare and high end tax cuts.

So let's stay with that. Let's not learn one damn thing. Nice try but people are smarter than that this time... and remember where you heard that because I'll be gettin' back with ya in November. ;)
Ridiculous... If JFK were here today he'd be standing arm in arm with his brother and the rest of his family.

Times change, circumstances change... we now need to focus on repairing this Republican economic debacle the same way Bill Clinton focused in on fixing the economy with his "It's the economy stupid!" understanding of what America needed when he took the country over from Bush #1.

sidebar: It should be noted that Bush #1 only got left holding the bag on the economy from Reagan's run up of the deficit. Even Bush #1 acknowledged that trying to justify huge deficits was "VOODOO ECONOMICS!"

It is possible that like his brother he could have DEvolved but I am talking about the man who was JFK. His actual record not what you think he would be like today. What he was when he was alive is nothing like a modern democrat, his record is more conservative than most conservatives. His party DEvolved, and he may or may not have followed along.
;)Read a book... inside historical documentation is conclusive on the matter.

Not much of a retort, and still utterly bogus.

I know all about it in great detail (wife ex-Army Military Intelligence Russian linguist... remember). She is the ultimate researcher. When she moved in my whole frickin' house became one big military/historical/political library. So much for my imported beer glass collections & Harley paraphernalia... :)

You want to now what millimeter guns were on the heavy Soviet tank at that time period... I'm staring at the book across the room as we speak, it's called The Soviet War Machine.

OH, I see. Because your WIFE is a former linguist, I suppose you suddenly learned all about the military....by OSMOSIS! Why don't you try READING some of those books instead of just staring at them from across the room?

BTW, if you're talking about the T-54/55's, or T-62's? The T-54/55 had a 100mm main gun. Have YOU every seen one up close? I have, and they were a piece of JUNK. The 62's had a 115mm main gun

No... Actually it's pretty good. George Wallace HIMSELF in his later years after being shot wrote an appology to African Americans for all the many things he had done against them.

Pay attention top gun, BECAUSE I JUST SAID THAT! This is a primary example of what happens when you don't actually READ what people write, but instead start jumping to conclusions. You end up JUMPING OFF A CLIFF.

READING, it's fundamental.:rolleyes:

You come up with some silly stuff.

And exactly what is "silly" about FACTS?

Well that's what I call a quality "STRATEGERY" you have there my friend. Republicans couldn't govern our country with two hands and a flashlight... ground almost everything into the ground except for corporate welfare and high end tax cuts.

So let's stay with that. Let's not learn one damn thing. Nice try but people are smarter than that this time... and remember where you heard that because I'll be gettin' back with ya in November.

Yeah, right. The lowest unemployment since WWII, some of the lowest interest rates EVER, some of the lowest inflation EVER. We've got so much work in America today that our own people can't even do it all, and if we actually DID kick out all the illegals, WE'D BE SCREWED!

Tell ya what, I'm going to give you another chance. Disregarding Iraq and Afghanistan (we all know how you feel about that), I want you to tell me EXACTLY what is "wrong" with the country that can be directly attributed to President Bush's administration. I'm going to enjoy this.
top gun,

I didn't have time to go into details this morning, but since you obviously haven't researched the Cuban Missile Crisis, or even bothered to ask your wife about it, I'll be a nice guy and help you out.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was fully the making of Kennedy. He approved the Bay of Pigs disaster following Castro's takeover of Cuba, which led to Castro aligning himself with the Soviets. Following THAT blunder, Kennedy then approved Operation Mongoose, which also failed utterly, and then to add insult to injury, he approved the embargo that still stands today (it would seem that Kennedy never read "How to win friends and influence people"). Fearing an imminent invasion of Cuba, based on Kennedy getting the Congress to pass a joint resolution AUTHORIZING an invasion if "American interests were threatened by Cuba", and then the joint military exercise in the Caribbean, Castro authorized the Soviets to install thermonuclear tipped Medium Range Ballistic Missiles in Cuba, which led to the crisis once Kennedy realized that for all of his bluff and bluster, the entire thing had blown up in his face.

Again, Kennedy whipped it out and stomped on it, and it was only dumb luck that he didn't wind up killing the entire human race in the process.
It is possible that like his brother he could have DEvolved but I am talking about the man who was JFK. His actual record not what you think he would be like today. What he was when he was alive is nothing like a modern democrat, his record is more conservative than most conservatives. His party DEvolved, and he may or may not have followed along.

And yesterday is not today. And if Frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their little butts on the ground when they hopped.:)

You can't compare old data to new circumstances. That's like saying if General Lee was here today he'd still think slavery was GRRRRRRRRREAT!
top gun,

I didn't have time to go into details this morning, but since you obviously haven't researched the Cuban Missile Crisis, or even bothered to ask your wife about it, I'll be a nice guy and help you out.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was fully the making of Kennedy. He approved the Bay of Pigs disaster following Castro's takeover of Cuba, which led to Castro aligning himself with the Soviets. Following THAT blunder, Kennedy then approved Operation Mongoose, which also failed utterly, and then to add insult to injury, he approved the embargo that still stands today (it would seem that Kennedy never read "How to win friends and influence people"). Fearing an imminent invasion of Cuba, based on Kennedy getting the Congress to pass a joint resolution AUTHORIZING an invasion if "American interests were threatened by Cuba", and then the joint military exercise in the Caribbean, Castro authorized the Soviets to install thermonuclear tipped Medium Range Ballistic Missiles in Cuba, which led to the crisis once Kennedy realized that for all of his bluff and bluster, the entire thing had blown up in his face.

Again, Kennedy whipped it out and stomped on it, and it was only dumb luck that he didn't wind up killing the entire human race in the process.

My friend what's wrong with you?:confused:;)

No one said that the Military planning was good. We all know it wasn't. But we also all know that President Kennedy went off what Military advice he was given by the Military and the CIA. You act as if he designed the Military plans himself... or maybe flew a plane or something. He signed off on what he was assured was a no problem effort to help bring aid to those fighting Communism in Cuba 90 miles off our shores while trying to "officially" keep the US out of it. That would be called a "covert" action or operation.

And when we go on with the history we know President Kennedy almost had the CIA dismantled he was so pissed off that they had given him such bad intelligence.

Did President Kennedy not want a Communist Dictator in control of a country 90 miles from Florida... yes. Pretty good call there.

Did President Kennedy not want ICBM's (or any kind of missles) in Cuba... yes again. Still agree there.

Did President Kennedy stand up to a major Super Power and make them back down to the United States of America... yep yet again. And again I think that was a very difficult decision and showed a lot of strength of character.

Are all covert operations risky and did this own blow up in our military's face. Unfortunately yes. But it had nothing to do with anyones balls and everything to do with fighting Communism..........

until Kennedy had to really sack up and stop the missles from getting in with the embargo. That was ballsy!

You really need to focus on the follies of Bush & McBush for they are far more dangerous.
My friend what's wrong with you?:confused:;)

No one said that the Military planning was good. We all know it wasn't. But we also all know that President Kennedy went off what Military advice he was given by the Military and the CIA. You act as if he designed the Military plans himself... or maybe flew a plane or something. He signed off on what he was assured was a no problem effort to help bring aid to those fighting Communism in Cuba 90 miles off our shores while trying to "officially" keep the US out of it. That would be called a "covert" action or operation.

There's nothing "wrong" with me except I'm sick and tired of all of this BS "Saint JFK" nonsense that's been permeating this country for the past 45 years! Kennedy was DIRECTLY involved in EVERY step of the planning of the Bay of Pigs invasion, he PERSONALLY gave the go-ahead for the mission, and he PERSONALLY allowed US MILITARY PERSONNEL, including USAF National Guardsmen, to participate in the overthrow attempt. "Supply and Advise" is one thing, but when you put US forces in the line of fire like that, and then abandon them there like so much used toilet paper, it PISSES ME OFF. Adding to that, before the Bay of Pigs, Castro had been seeking friendly relations with the US, and it wasn't until AFTER the Bay of Pigs, and realizing that he'd been double-crossed, that he called on the Soviets.

To put it in simpler terms so that you can follow along, Castro WAS NOT A COMMUNIST UNTIL KENNEDY MADE HIM ONE!

And when we go on with the history we know President Kennedy almost had the CIA dismantled he was so pissed off that they had given him such bad intelligence.

Another of his great brain farts, and further proof that he was emotionally unstable, and unsuited to be POTUS. You don't SHOOT your dog because he pissed on the carpet!

Did President Kennedy not want a Communist Dictator in control of a country 90 miles from Florida... yes. Pretty good call there.

Strawman. Asked and answered.

Did President Kennedy not want ICBM's (or any kind of missles) in Cuba... yes again. Still agree there.

They weren't there until WE MADE CASTRO A COMMUNIST.

Did President Kennedy stand up to a major Super Power and make them back down to the United States of America... yep yet again. And again I think that was a very difficult decision and showed a lot of strength of character.

He was IN that mess because HE made it. Again, you can't claim some sort of exceptional Statesmanship if the DUMBASS created the mess in the first place.

Are all covert operations risky and did this own blow up in our military's face. Unfortunately yes. But it had nothing to do with anyones balls and everything to do with fighting Communism..........

And HOW THE FRICK WOULD YOU KNOW about "covert ops"? You ever been on one? Oh, that's right, that was your WOMANS job.:rolleyes:

until Kennedy had to really sack up and stop the missles from getting in with the embargo. That was ballsy!

The missiles were ALREADY THERE NUMBNUTS! How can you have a "Cuban Missile Crisis" if the missiles weren't ALREADY THERE?

You really need to focus on the follies of Bush & McBush for they are far more dangerous.

I'll tell you what's dangerous, is a Democrat electorate that is so abysmally educated that they don't even recognize an UNQUALIFIED IDIOT when they try to sell him on us, and Obama is even LESS qualified to be POTUS than Kennedy was.
top gun,

I didn't have time to go into details this morning, but since you obviously haven't researched the Cuban Missile Crisis, or even bothered to ask your wife about it, I'll be a nice guy and help you out.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was fully the making of Kennedy. He approved the Bay of Pigs disaster following Castro's takeover of Cuba, which led to Castro aligning himself with the Soviets. Following THAT blunder, Kennedy then approved Operation Mongoose, which also failed utterly, and then to add insult to injury, he approved the embargo that still stands today (it would seem that Kennedy never read "How to win friends and influence people"). Fearing an imminent invasion of Cuba, based on Kennedy getting the Congress to pass a joint resolution AUTHORIZING an invasion if "American interests were threatened by Cuba", and then the joint military exercise in the Caribbean, Castro authorized the Soviets to install thermonuclear tipped Medium Range Ballistic Missiles in Cuba, which led to the crisis once Kennedy realized that for all of his bluff and bluster, the entire thing had blown up in his face.

Again, Kennedy whipped it out and stomped on it, and it was only dumb luck that he didn't wind up killing the entire human race in the process.

hard to put all of the Bay of Pigs on JFK, it was set up and planned under Ike, and it was fairly early in his office that he was basicly told the plan and gave it the go ahead. He still ok'ed it, and should be held to account, but its not all him. Also as a note, that has little to do with anything, but Che actuly was against Castro letting the USSR put the missles there in the first place, he did not want the USSR trying to be linked to much with them and to have Cuba used as a pawn by them...as it was .

But overall the US Policy in Cuba has been failed from teh start, and not a single leader since has had the balls to fix it cuz they dont want to anger the cubans in the US. Screw them, its American Policy not what ever policy for Cuba works best for Cubans who even claim they want to go back when he is gone....true americans want to stay here.
hard to put all of the Bay of Pigs on JFK, it was set up and planned under Ike, and it was fairly early in his office that he was basicly told the plan and gave it the go ahead. He still ok'ed it, and should be held to account, but its not all him. Also as a note, that has little to do with anything, but Che actuly was against Castro letting the USSR put the missles there in the first place, he did not want the USSR trying to be linked to much with them and to have Cuba used as a pawn by them...as it was .

But overall the US Policy in Cuba has been failed from teh start, and not a single leader since has had the balls to fix it cuz they dont want to anger the cubans in the US. Screw them, its American Policy not what ever policy for Cuba works best for Cubans who even claim they want to go back when he is gone....true americans want to stay here.

The plan was originally set up under Ike, but was only to be utilized IF the Cubans, under Castro, threw their hat in the ring with the Soviets, and only IF they started putting offensive missiles in Cuba. None of that had happened when Kennedy approved the invasion, and it was that invasion that led to Castro throwing in with the Soviets, and them providing the missiles that wound up there.
Federal Farmer;51335]There's nothing "wrong" with me except I'm sick and tired of all of this BS "Saint JFK" nonsense that's been permeating this country for the past 45 years! Kennedy was DIRECTLY involved in EVERY step of the planning of the Bay of Pigs invasion, he PERSONALLY gave the go-ahead for the mission, and he PERSONALLY allowed US MILITARY PERSONNEL, including USAF National Guardsmen, to participate in the overthrow attempt. "Supply and Advise" is one thing, but when you put US forces in the line of fire like that, and then abandon them there like so much used toilet paper, it PISSES ME OFF. Adding to that, before the Bay of Pigs, Castro had been seeking friendly relations with the US, and it wasn't until AFTER the Bay of Pigs, and realizing that he'd been double-crossed, that he called on the Soviets.

To put it in simpler terms so that you can follow along, Castro WAS NOT A COMMUNIST UNTIL KENNEDY MADE HIM ONE!

FYI... wife just read this post and I'm pretty sure she said you're mentally handicapped (being nice here) in Swedish (one of the 4 languages she speaks being ex-US Army Military Intelligence code breaking section attached to the NSA). :D

Of course Castro wanted friendly Socialist/Communist terms with the US. He'd just overthrown a country with tons of American interests and Nationalized everything... took everything. Just as guess but I'm thinkin'... now just a way outside guess here... that he might... just maybe... have worried we'd not like that much. Might respond in some way. Might need to appear to want to then play nice. I know crazy talk right!!!!!!!

We now have a Republican administration completely make a story up...... I think it's something like 935 separate lies stated specifically to fool & deceive our country into invading & occupying overseas... and that's just ducky. And this isn't the first time (Reagan... Iran/Contra).... at least they're spending their time screwing things up overseas and not doing burglaries at anymore Watergates, right?

But you're the Party is against covert action right... riiiiiiiight!;)

But we're both glad to see you believe Castro was not a Socialist or a Communist... that was President Kennedy that talked him into that... yeah that's it, that's the ticket!

Hey probably still isn't. Good insight my friend.
FYI... wife just read this post and I'm pretty sure she said you're mentally handicapped (being nice here) in Swedish (one of the 4 languages she speaks being ex-US Army Military Intelligence code breaking section attached to the NSA). :D

Your lie, you tell it. Better yet, let HER get on here and tell me where I'm wrong in pointing out the FACTS.

Of course Castro wanted friendly Socialist/Communist terms with the US. He'd just overthrown a country with tons of American interests and Nationalized everything... took everything. Just as guess but I'm thinkin'... now just a way outside guess here... that he might... just maybe... have worried we'd not like that much. Might respond in some way. Might need to appear to want to then play nice. I know crazy talk right!!!!!!!

Castro was NOT a COMMUNIST, and still isn't RETARD BOY! A Socialist, yes, but NOT a Communist. HUGE DIFFERENCE, but then again I guess you and your "linguist" wife are entirely too young and slow witted to KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!
Federal Farmer;51371]Your lie, you tell it. Better yet, let HER get on here and tell me where I'm wrong in pointing out the FACTS.

I have no idea what you are talking about because it's just more nonsense.

If you're talking about my wife yes she was calling you and idiot. Look up Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) Primary Intelligence Language Center, Monterey California.

Besides English she speaks fluent Swedish, French and what the Army wanted her for... Russian.

Castro was NOT a COMMUNIST, and still isn't RETARD BOY! A Socialist, yes, but NOT a Communist. HUGE DIFFERENCE, but then again I guess you and your "linguist" wife are entirely too young and slow witted to KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!

You know there is no sense even talking to you. A Socialist a Marxist a Communist. You actually wanted a Fidel Castro with these world philosophies forcefully taking over a country 90 miles off our shores... not to mention stealing all of our American financial interests in Cuba. Well President Eisenhower certainly didn't and neither did President Kennedy.

Wife now called you a yet zhopa... and if memory serves me I believe that's Russian for ones lower posterior.;)

The Impact on U.S.-Cuba Policy
Salvador Diaz-Verson
Institute for U.S.-Cuba Relations
Occasional Paper Series, Vol.1, No.1
November 3, 1997

The fundamental question of when Fidel Castro became a communist has had a profound and enduring impact on the foreign policy of the United States . From December 1956, the time Castro landed his armed expedition from Mexico against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista; to Batista's downfall on January 1, 1959; to President Eisenhower's approval of covert action against the Castro regime in March of 1960; the U.S. ostensibly pursued a policy of non-intervention in the Caribbean area and the Western Hemisphere as a whole. Conceivably, the U.S. could have invoked the Rio Treaty at any point during this time period given the information available to official Washington concerning Castro's involvement with international communism and the threat it posed to the national security interests of the United States.

In a 1987 book review entitled "Cuba and Its Critics," Saul Landau referred to an interview he had had with Castro revealing his early dedication to communism. According to Landau, "Fidel Castro in 1968 explained to me that he had become a Marxist from the very time that he read the Communist Manifesto in his student days, (emphasis added) and a Leninist from the period when he read Lenin while in prison on the Isle of Pines in 1954." This account coincides with Diaz-Verson's iteration of the destruction of the archival proof "of Fidel's disloyalty from his schooldays onward."

By the time Castro formally declared Cuba a socialist state on May 1, 1961and proclaimed himself a "Marxist-Leninist" in a televised speech on December 2, 1961, communist power in Cuba had been consolidated. Cuba would not only provide a base for anti-American activities in the Western Hemisphere but the island would also serve to project Moscow's influence throughout the Third World further exacerbating Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
I have no idea what you are talking about because it's just more nonsense.

If you're talking about my wife yes she was calling you and idiot. Look up Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) Primary Intelligence Language Center, Monterey California.

Besides English she speaks fluent Swedish, French and what the Army wanted her for... Russian.

I'm very familiar with DLI, as I attended it in 1972!

What I'm calling BS on is your assertion that she has had any commentary on the subject AT ALL! If she has an opinion to express on the subject, let HER express it, otherwise, you're just talking trash to bolster your flawed BS, especially since NEITHER of you is old enough to actually remember the tensions of the times that JFK created.

You know there is no sense even talking to you. A Socialist a Marxist a Communist. You actually wanted a Fidel Castro with these world philosophies forcefully taking over a country 90 miles off our shores... not to mention stealing all of our American financial interests in Cuba. Well President Eisenhower certainly didn't and neither did President Kennedy.

You obviously have no clue WHAT a Socialist, a Marxist, or a Communist is if you can't see the differences. FYI, there are many, MANY Socialists in America today, especially prevalent inside the DNC, and even serving in our own Congress, but they are NOT Communist. We have a few, if not fully, at least borderline Socialists on this board, but I daresay they are not Communists! Marxism is a PHILOSOPHY, not a practical application, while Communism IS the application. Your naive interpretation is as absurd as saying that because America was founded on Christian principles that it is a theocracy!

Also, my opinion of Castro, and what was done about him are two entirely different things. I firmly believe in the admonition of President George Washington, in his farewell address, that "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop." . Since you never served, perhaps your wife can explain to you why so many military men are so opposed to STUPID politicians, and their STUPID policies that get GOOD MEN KILLED for no damned reason whatsoever!

Castro was NOT A THREAT to the United States, and would have been but one of dozens of penny-ante Banana Republic dictators, so there was absolutely no reason for us to engage him militarily as we did at the Bay of Pigs. If Kennedy had been using the big head instead of the little one, we could have dealt with Castro POLITICALLY, retained our trade relations with him, and used that trade as our weapon to influence his policies. JFK, by attempting to enforce the very Pax Americana that he would later decry, propelled that penny-ante dictator onto the world stage, and created a situation that had never existed. As I said before, JFK MADE Castro who he is, and has been for the past 45+ years.

Wife now called you a yet zhopa... and if memory serves me I believe that's Russian for ones lower posterior.;)

Well, tell your wife "Ihr Ehemann ist zu dumm procreate gewährt zu werden. Sie müssen sehr hoffnungslos in der Tat gewesen sein, solch ein ***** verbunden zu haben."

The Impact on U.S.-Cuba Policy
Salvador Diaz-Verson

Pure pablum by a Batista. Your "source" claims that Castro had Communist ties as early as 1943. The problem with that is that in 1943, Castro was only 17 YEARS OLD, and still living at home with his parents! This is nothing but another primary example of superficial and selective reasoning to support an unsupportable position. The exiled Cubans are still so invested in discrediting Castro and trying to entice the US to overthrow him that they continue to resort to flat out lies in their efforts. Isn't there enough BAD about Castro for them to simply tell the truth, and deal with it from there?

Diaz-Verson, a distinguished Cuban journalist and intelligence officer, gathered evidence of Castro's connection with the Soviet Union dating back to 1943. His account of when Castro became a communist is of importance from a U.S. policy perspective; it is both historically significant and contextually accurate. Cuba established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union in October 1942 with Maxim Litvinov having presented his credentials in April 1943.(38) Given that Cuba had the strongest Communist Party in Latin America at the time "regarded as a sort of Caribbean regional headquarters"(39) in which the "Soviet government placed a high value,"(40) it is not unthinkable that Castro did indeed come under the influence of Gumer W. Bashirov in the early months of 1943 as Diaz-Verson has described in his seminal paper reprinted below entitled "When Castro Became A Communist."

Now, either Diaz-Verson, an alleged "intelligence officer", was a pathalogical liar, or he's simply STUPID, but in either case, anyone who can do basic MATH can quickly see that he's a "legend in his own mind".