Obama expected to sign wilderness bill

What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earlai in the mornin?

Put him in charge of an Exxon tanker,
Put him in charge of an Exxon tanker,
Put him in charge of an Exxon tanker,
Earlai in the mornin'

What difference does it make whether he was stoned or drunk? The fact remains that he should never have been in charge of a vehicle of any kind, let alone a tanker loaded with petroleum.
As he pointed out Fox news wasn't around at the time....gonna have to come up with something slightly better than that. Although I agree he had been drinking but was not drunk. Was absent from the bridge at the time, yes. However he was acquitted by jury of his peers.

Well he was aquitted mostly on a technicality. His breath taste was taken past the time allowed.
Just imagine if Faux News had been around during some of the pivotal points in history.




And you'd believe it too...just like you repeat right wing talking points, by way of Faux News, almost verbatim. Just out of curiosity..do you even know what it feels like to have an original thought?

You are such a joke. You have to invent stuff to attack Fox News with, and you still don't get that I don't have cable TV, so I do not watch Fox News.

In fact, I don't listen to Rush, or Hannity, or Fox News, or any of the sources of information you claim or so wrong. In fact, I get most of my news from MSNBC, and CNN. I just think for myself, instead of assume they are right in what they are reporting.

You on the other hand, are barely a step above Shaman. The only difference is, when I smack down your ignorant arguments, you don't bother to come up with a lame attempt to salvage them.

Even this really isn't a response, you just came up with bogus crap, and claimed I'd believe it. I can come up with bogus crap and claim you'd believe it too. Doesn't make it any better of an "argument" than your post here. Why don't you grow up? You know, act like an adult for once.