When & where????

Although I don't have personal experience with the recent minimum wage increase, I do have past experience with to increases. Back when I was in high school, I worked at a Wendy's when a minimum wage increase hit.
It did two things. First one of the employees had just gotten a raise. Now everyone got the raise. This pissed off that employee, because while they had worked hard to earn a raise, now everyone got the same raise, even though most of them were lazy slobs.
Second, we had to increase the cost of food, and reduce workers. We laid off a couple of part time employees, and the price across the menu increased.
Point: In that case minimum wage simply increased the cost of food, and killed employee moral, while reducing jobs.
The next time, was years later I worked at a car dealership while I went to college. I was lucky in that the business instructor at the college, was in fact my boss at the car dealership.
One of the interesting factoids that came out in class was that the dealership had previously always had 4 apprenticeships going on. One for heavy engine repair, one for body shop, one for paint both, and one for general line mechanic. These apprenticeship positions were highly sought after for those needing a way to get into the businesses when they were unskilled.
In class, it was explained in class that the dealership had reduced the apprentice program to two positions, specifically because the minimum wage made it too costly to have more than that.
Point: two people every year since then, have been unable to get apprenticeships at that dealership, due exclusively to minimum wage laws.
Bottom line, there is an undeniable negative impact to the minimum wage. Nearly anyone that really studies it, knows this to be true.
France has some of the highest minimum wage laws, and the strongest worker rights laws, and has always had near double digit unemployment.
Only recently has it dropped to 8%, and that's only because the government has been slowly reducing wage controls, and work benefit rights.