I know why is that? Are you even trying?
Oh sorry. I completely missed the "arrogant judgmental" obviousness of why talking works so well, even though it didn't.
You keep a dialog going because you never know when there WILL be a diplomatic opportunity. Something could happen in an adversaries own political structure that changes the whole dynamic. Plus you look better to the rest of the world and this builds a much stronger coalition if we do have to act militarily.
Why yes, yes of course! You just never know when a crazy nut that believes the holocaust never happened, claims to want to destroy Israel as soon as he can, and has been evading UN nuclear inspection to enrich Uranium for the purpose of making a nuclear bomb... just might have a diplomatic opportunity we can't pass up....
Why yes Top Gun, I can see clearly the brilliance of your policy. If we just talk enough, maybe we can discuss which Israeli city he'll nuke first so we can send them a love note saying "Run for you lives! Mad man with nuke coming!".
I can think of many words the describe George Bush... the word "brilliant" he can't even spell.
Fact is Bush felt trapped by his own impotence and could see reality was moving Obama's way. Watch and see how quickly the ball gets rolling on troop removal after Jan. 20th.
Funny I can think of a few words for you myself. Both of which are in illustrated in the above text. Do tell Top Gun, have you been to Harvard or Yale?
Yeah, and if our enemies pop up and start wiping out our troops because we alerted them to the best possible time to attack, I'll blame Obama, and his idiot squad of robots. You really don't know jack about military tactics do you? There are two times when troops are most vulnerable. When they first show up, and we there are pulling out. Most any idiot who understands anything about military warfare knows this, unless you are a democrat for some reason.
Thus the worst thing you can do is send on a new alert on CNN, that May 13th, our troops will be pulling out that thus easy targets for the enemy. That's just plain stupid, and typical democrat policy.
Well the original "context" was a big fat Bush Administration lie so I guess anything goes from the outlook.
Have you read this Rockefeller report the democrats put out? It sort of disproved your lie about it being false. I love it when the democrat leadership proves their loyal robots wrong.
Now we are going to move forward and bring most of our great American soldiers home... rotate the others in a caring way... and take care of the ones that were injured.
This is a stupid comment because even Obama says he isn't bringing them home. He's going to send them to Afghanistan. Remember? The whole point you just made prior?
The new context will be a well thought out multidimensional intelligent plan... truth to the American people & the world... and not a big dog & pony show trying to cover up Nation Building.
Oh yes. With the democrat version of truth, we'll be defining words like "is" and "alone" again. But with Obama it will be redefining "death" and "quagmire".
Under the last democrat in office, aside from random strikes and bombings of aspirin factories (to take focus off his domestic problems), he also deployed military forces to Haiti, Korea, Rwanda, Somalia, Bosnia, Former Yugoslavia, Iraq (gasp!), Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Sudan, Afghanistan and a few more. Of course the one difference is, he accomplished nothing. We still had the largest terrorist attack in ever, after his 8 years of complete uselessness.
For Obama to do better would require absolutely nothing. Literally, if Obama did nothing, he'd beat the last democrat in office, by not wasting lives or resource to accomplish his nothing.