Now you wonder why we have gay marriages?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I just found out why. Look at the tax system for example. Married people pay less income taxes than single people do. Thats exactly why some men turn gay and marry their buddy. Another factor is Girls make it tougher to get dates these days by making excuses why she doesnt want to go out with you. Back in the 50s dating was real easy to get casuse girls were not allowed to get higher jobs like becoming Doctors,Lawyers,Judges,TV News reporters,Police officers firefighters,Construction,Plumbers and an excutive. They can only be teachers,Secritaries,Store cashiers and telephone operators. Plus more likely fathers force their boyfriends to marry their daughters. Nowadays its very tough to get a girl and turn her into a girlfriend. Its not easy getting dates cause girls make it so confusing because of Womens lib. So the only alternative is to be gay so you get married and enjoy the same marriage benefits as a regalar couple does. Girls do it because they cant find themselves a good man or a rich man. You can all blame diversity why those good old days are gone.
Steve, Steve, steve......(shaking my head)

Gays aren't attracted to the opposite sex and do not want to date them.
You know what Government pork is? Its another word for spending. They can never stop spending your hard earned dollars. The way you change the system is to stop Feeding the I.R.S . Lets face it if everyone stops feeding the I.R.S things will change. Now you cant put everybody in jail can you? theres not enough jail cells to hold 300 million people. Look how the Russian people changed their country. The Soviet Union is dead because the russians got tired of communism. The East Germans got tired of communism. The Polish got tired of communism because this man started it all.

Lech Wałesa believed in freedom. Hes the man who started it all challenged Poland and the Soviet Union. Now all we need is someone to speak out against the I.R.S and challenge the system. Just like it took a lot of guts for what Martin Luther King did and he also changed the segregation system. IT CAN BE DONE!
Then why did the Feds just raise taxes and want to raise them even more in their new budget?

They are already talking about taking over 401k's. Let's hope they don't get any ideas over Cyprus taking 10% of peoples' savings.
Then why did the Feds just raise taxes and want to raise them even more in their new budget?

They are already talking about taking over 401k's. Let's hope they don't get any ideas over Cyprus taking 10% of peoples' savings.
You know that is their plan .....
It's only a matter of time before our own federal gov robs the wealthiest Country in the world.
With the Republicans support of course ...
You know what Government pork is? Its another word for spending. They can never stop spending your hard earned dollars. The way you change the system is to stop Feeding the I.R.S . Lets face it if everyone stops feeding the I.R.S things will change. Now you cant put everybody in jail can you? theres not enough jail cells to hold 300 million people. Look how the Russian people changed their country. The Soviet Union is dead because the russians got tired of communism. The East Germans got tired of communism. The Polish got tired of communism because this man started it all.

Lech Wałesa believed in freedom. Hes the man who started it all challenged Poland and the Soviet Union. Now all we need is someone to speak out against the I.R.S and challenge the system. Just like it took a lot of guts for what Martin Luther King did and he also changed the segregation system. IT CAN BE DONE!

I am quite surprised the KGB did not kill him.

*ROTFLMAO @ Americans comparing Martin Luther King with Lech Walesa* BWaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaa! Let me see, Lech Walesa took on a totalitarian state, controlled from the seat of yet another totalitarian state. He was constantly surrounded by danger. Martin Luther King had nothing to fear by comparison. Do NOT insult the courage of Walesa with a pussy like King. The two simply do not compare. I GUARANTEE King would never have opened his darkie mouth in a totalitarian state.