Well-Known Member
Yeah but you'd think the banjo would console them
I don't remember any-of-them cashing-IN on the present-situation....or, is it different for Christians??
This is the kind o' Organized Religion that needs to meet RICO.
Yeah but you'd think the banjo would console them
....While the Majority (of us) are (more) fans of Competency....as-opposed to handing-over the job to some blowhard-cowboy.
Common Sense won, this time.
"Are you more in favor of Obama because he's Pro-life, or because he thinks are troops should stay in Iraqi and finish this war?"
Obamabot: I think our troops should stay in Iraq and finish this war, I'm really with him on that.
"If he wins would you have any problem with Sarah Palin being Vice President?"
Obamabot: No none at all.
"So you think he made the right choice in that?"
Obamabot: I definitely do.
"Thank you sir, have a good day."
....Or, a one-way-ticket to South America.
Yeah....that's who prompted RICO...Bill Clinton....in 1970.An act that was invented to fight the Mafia, and Clinton twisted it to fight Abortion protesters. Now you want to use it to fight Christians.
You're quite welcome. You can't afford Reagan/Bush-style Kapitalism, anyhow....Yay Obama Socialism! Just think Shaman! Because of your voting choice, both of us can enjoy the results together!
Bush Capitalism.
Impoverish everyone
I know that Americans are hugely ignorant of world events but even you must be aware of the knock on effect of the US credit crunch.