There were real scandals around Obama. Just because the media ignores them doesn’t make them nonexistent, just as the media’s obsession with something doesn’t make it a scandal. Solyndra, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the NLRB suing Boeing, and Lisa Jackson’s EPA emails, the IRS scandals are all serious scandals involving government corruption at the highest levels. At the minimum they show Obama to be ignorant or indifferent to what’s going on in his own administration. Republicans trying to get to the truth of these issues encounter Democrats allowing winning at all costs to supersede dead bodies.
Obama had a habit of bullying people who disagree with him in a way his predecessor never did.Obama is not the most corrupt President in even recent American history, and more evidence would be needed to accuse him of serious corruption at all. The real poster-boy for corruption would be Clinton, who was morally bankrupt on every level. Clintonites do not dispute this. They just find it irrelevant. Yet Obama is nowhere near as honest as either Bush.