No Whining From The Right Wing?

Then they should not be allowed to travel at taxpayer expense to promote their private business. When Hillary used taxpayer funds to travel to promote her campaign for Senator the right wing had a fit, and she had to pay back the expenses. Same should apply here.
Hillary wasn't the President..just kidding. If this is a real problem it will be addressed, because of the blow back ..
Seriously? "Moonbattery"? Anyway, as the article says, Trump has always been a leftie that supported the Clinton's, abortion, etc. Soon he wioll reveal himself for the lying trash he is, and then you will really be sorry, and maybe quit defending the ass.
Do you realize some of the web sights you post I feel the same way about, anyway, That's not all it say's..
Same should apply here.
Trump is not running for Senator. Regards Hillary I would imagine that if hubby Bill was with her then he would have been entitled to Secret Service protection but not her as SS protection (sounds vaguely sinister) is not granted to people running for Senatorial positions... so I guess there was some kind of in-fighting as to how the costs were allocated… I don’t know.

with as much hate as there is for Trump, we should burn him at the stake and charge admission
Let me know when the tickets go on sale. Oh, and try and get us some seats near the bar... the first round's on me!
Trump is not running for Senator. Regards Hillary I would imagine that if hubby Bill was with her then he would have been entitled to Secret Service protection but not her as SS protection (sounds vaguely sinister) is not granted to people running for Senatorial positions... so I guess there was some kind of in-fighting as to how the costs were allocated… I don’t know.

There is a law forbidding the use of taxpayer funded entities for private purposes. Doesn't matter what the office is.

Remember when Trump said he would turn his enterprises over to the kids:

“I am deadly serious about that exercise,” he said. “I do not talk about the government with him, and he does not talk about the business with us. That’s kind of a steadfast pact we made, and it’s something that we honor.”

But nearly two minutes later, Trump admitted that he will keep his father up to speed on some aspects of the business.

“Yeah, on the bottom line, profitability reports and stuff like that, but you know, that’s about it,” he said, adding that the updates will be “probably quarterly.”

“My father and I are very close,” he said. “I talk to him a lot. We’re pretty inseparable.”

Trump and his White House have argued that the commander in chief is exempt from any conflicts of interest but that he handed over management of his company to fully focus on his administration.

Lawyers for the president have said the company won’t enter any new foreign deals and that any new domestic deals must be approved by an ethics adviser. Ethicists, however, have repeatedly criticized the arrangement, which they contend doesn't go far enough to separate the president from his massive business empire."
Hillary wasn't the President..just kidding. If this is a real problem it will be addressed, because of the blow back ..

Not by the Republicans, or the right wing, just as this will not be, and Trump will profit from it. "Emoluments" clause? Doesn't apply to the Royal Family of Trump though:

Then there is this explanation of what emoluments are:
Not by the Republicans, or the right wing, just as this will not be, and Trump will profit from it. "Emoluments" clause? Doesn't apply to the Royal Family of Trump though:

Then there is this explanation of what emoluments are:
So whats the point? A business man can't be elected. George bush was bombarded about his ties to the Gas and Oil. Is Trump breaking any laws? Or are we talking about what he might do? He is the most watched President in my lifetime.. I think you, not willingly, are giving him to much credit..
So whats the point? A business man can't be elected. George bush was bombarded about his ties to the Gas and Oil. Is Trump breaking any laws? Or are we talking about what he might do? He is the most watched President in my lifetime.. I think you, not willingly, are giving him to much credit..

Do you ever get tired of defending what is the most corrupt administration in history? Laws violated? How about ones regarding nepotism ( )? How about the emoluments clause of the Constitution ( )?

Now while it is true that Trump appointed his daughter, and son-in-law ot positions created just for them, he also did so stating they will work without pay. However, considering Trumps ability to parse words, that does not mean they will not gain from other benefits to the job, or that Trump himself will not profit. Same as with the emoluments clause of the Constitution. While other Presidents have entertained dignitaries at the White House, or Camp David, Trump does so at his resort Mar-a-lago. So, instead of the dignitaries saying in their respective consulates, or the Blair House, or even in some hotels, they now stay in a Trump hotel eating in a Trump restaurant.

It will be interesting to see what happens if the Republicans ever get the balls to challenge Trump on his profiting from his office =especially after all the whining right wingers like you did in claiming Obama profited.

BTW, Bush 43 did a lot of good for big oil:
It will be interesting to see what happens if the Republicans ever get the balls to challenge Trump on his profiting from his office
Absolutely! That's the material point in all this - where is the oversight?

o whats the point? A business man can't be elected.
I think the framers of your constitution didn't care if you elected an orangutan as long as it acted with integrity.

I've parsed the hyperbole .... regarding the remainder where's the problem with that? Isn't that the job of the Secret Service to protect the president and his family?

Funny that was not the case for 8 years under Obama according to the people in question. Also Obama did not travel and have huge amounts of tax dollars used go to his own businesses where he makes profit from all the spending. He also did not have his wife decide to live in Chicago or Hawii in a expensive tower they owned, so again they profit...And I seem to recall Republicans caring a huge amount about if Obama golfed ever...
I'm sorry but the right has a huge amount of Hypocrites right now. They threw fits for Obama doing 1/10th of this..and now they can't care less.
It will be interesting to see what happens if the Republicans ever get the balls to challenge Trump on his profiting from his office =especially after all the whining right wingers like you did in claiming Obama profited.
I don't remember saying Obama profited from it, He just had policies I disliked or hated.
BTW, Bush 43 did a lot of good for big oil:
Not as much as Trumps going to do..
Absolutely! That's the material point in all this - where is the oversight?

I think the framers of your constitution didn't care if you elected an orangutan as long as it acted with integrity.
Who are you comparing him to? Clinton or Obama.. lol