If you don't stop this insulting attack BS I'll start ignoring you. My feeling about it so far is "screw you!!!" So it isn't contributing anything to the conversation or to your image.
Listen child, I am only doing the same as you, and you don't like it. You said one time before you were going to ignore me, however, your overblown ego will not allow that.
Regarding morality, morality is first and foremost "beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior". Notice the word "belief". If that doesn't convince you, consider that to fish, an ape, an ant, or the cosmos the notion of "morality" is non-existent. So it isn't an absolute and it isn't anything more than personal judgement. So far you have been unable to recognize and put aside your own personal emotional preferences long enough to see this. Or maybe it's simply to your debating advantage to ignore this reality and pretend that moral judgements are real, tangible, fact-based reality even though different civilizations and different people have different and even contradicting morals.
Oh great, we are now to be compared to the animal world. Animals live by instinct, humans live by reasoning. According to your "judgement", or lack thereof, murder, theft, adultery, etc., are not immoral as long as ones " personal judgement" approves of it.
My refusal to share your morals doesn't mean I am immoral, and such a claim will get you ignored hereafter.
There are certain morals that are absolute, and your claim of "get you ignored" is nonsense since you are no more then a speck in the eye of a newt if you get what I mean.
My morals in this are guided by science and fact: an embryo doesn't feel pain nor does it think nor does it have any personality or personal identity. It doesn't think. It lacks developments that allow it to function in those ways or most other ways for that matter. So the question for me is where I draw the line between the value of an egg or sperm and the value of a person. I consider on the basis of science and fact that a one-week-old embryo is no more in need of society's protection than an unfertilized egg or the hair on your head. I extend this to the second, third, forth week etc until we get to week 20. That is my morality on the subject. My morality doesn't hold an adulterous woman worthy of stoning and it doesn't hold an embryo worthy or protection by law.
LOL, no one mentioned stoning an adultrous woman, yet you had to bring it up. The science you refer to also says that the baby begins growing from the time that the egg, and the sperm, connect. Whether you like it, or not, that is life. As to feeling pain, how do you know there is no pain?
But after week 20 science says the embryo is now called a "fetus" and begins to develop sufficiently to allow it to feel pain even if it doesn't think or know a "selfness". And I think 20 weeks is long enough for any woman to make a decision regarding "convenience". At that point I oppose abortion unless it's a case of rape or incest because it may involve lengthy litigation, or in cases of the health (life) of the mother being in danger.
I don't think I've omitted anything important about my position here. Your turn.
Over 90% of abortions are for "convenience", and you say you oppose abortions for that reason. Now you say that you oppose abortions after the 20 week mark. This is the baby at 12 weeks, and you, with your "morals", would kill it:
- The fetus is now about 2.5 inches (6cm) length and weighs about 0.7 ounce (20 g).
- The feet are almost half an inch (1cm) long.
- The fetus starts moving spontaneously.
- The face is beginning to look like a baby's face.
- The pancreas is functioning and producing insulin.
- Fingernails and toenails appear.
- The baby can suck his thumb, and get hiccups.
This is the first two weeks of growth, and you would kill it:
baby begins to form from a single fertilized egg to a cell that has divided itself and is now multiplying rapidly. Every sperm carries a half-set of genetic information with it, including an
X or Y chromosome which will determine your baby's gender. The egg carries the other half set and the X chromosome. These chromosomes combine, which pre-determines all of a person's physical characteristics.
Thirty hours later the developing embryo is still rapidly dividing, as it floats down from the fallopian tube and towards the uterus."