New abortion ban law in S.Carolina, thoughts?

...or until the parents or the boyfriend demands the fetus gone. Not every girl is so callous about it.

It depends on the situation and in many cases these girls are left with no alternative choice other than being disowned and raising that child as a single mom living alone on waiting tips...or striping tips.

On this matter I think there should be more freely distributed contraception methods and awareness. Abortion was never meant to be a contraception method, it's a last resort. You'll find that these people who accidentally get pregnant are mostly teens, too stupid or too shy to get a condom or a contraceptive pill.

That's really sick though...Can be easily regulated if they ban athletes from competing after having a recent abortion, on grounds of obfuscating doping tests.
No it was not intended to = contraception but as so often happens when you shrug off right and wrong, unintended consequences are the result.
Yes, it is called morality which is most often ignored in modern society.
Some societies find having more than one wife to be immoral. Some don't.

Morality isn't a matter of right and wrong. It's culture-based opinion or other basis for opinion and convictions. Try again.
You mean is it OK to kill them ? No.
Still murder, still wrong.
Do I appreciate the difficulties ? Yes.
Two wrongs still do not make a right.
Well, some societies have been known to kill rape victims, but I agree with you.
But regarding a fetus, check the definition of "murder". Careless, unprincipled use of words only leads to more confusion and thwarts resolution of problems. So let's use words properly.
You two are not alone, but you are in a tiny, teeny minority when you oppose abortion in the case of rape victims. Most people around the world disagree with you and consider your position to be extreme. Over 80% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in cases of rape, incest, and/or when the mother's life is in danger. Do you agree it should be legal in any of those three cases? (search on "rape")