actuly the public pretty much got annoyed waiting for American car companies to make them what they wanted...japan did it for them....People don't want gas guzzling cars, they want fuel efficient ones. Whats sad is all this same stuff I keep hearing, sounds alot like recycled stuff from when the goverment said put seat belts in cars...and then air bags....and they cried it will kill the industry....only to now have cars showing off that they have 6 air bags, and all kinds of safty a selling tool. I watch the ads, and guess what , they are all pointing out MPG, its a selling point, and you know why? People want it.
The goverment is not asking car dealers to do anything the people who buy them dont want and have not asked for along time. And Yes Toyoata and Honda will have to do it all the same...But so long as people like andy have any say, GM Chrysler and such will always be 10 years behind the times....
I believe that the best selling cars and trucks on the road are exactly the kind that the government will no longer make. People do want higher mpg, heck I own a Prius myself, but they don't want it so bad that they'll drive a teeny tiny piece of government made crap.