Well-Known Member
Rhodri and TruthAA,
To address a few things. Firstly, a huge portion of the defeat of McCain is directed directly towards the Bush administration. He would have been a great candidate following anyone but Bush. I wish I could have had the opportunity to vote McCain in 2000.
The democrats could have put up a wax doll of Truman and beat the GOP this time around.
I do agree with that. And that actually adds to the tragedy. I think they actually DID put up a wax doll, just not of Truman...

The MSM has made it seem that Rush & Hannity (in particular) were just carrying the water for McCain. That is simply not the case. Both have been highly critical about McCain on various issues.
Hannity is big on Reagan-era Conservatism. Personally I think that Reagan was indeed a great man and an exceptional President, but he did not walk on water. The core essence of Reagan that I think much of talk radio longs for, and urges their listeners to seek, is that America is an exceptional place.
It is great not just because of our prosperity and power on a national scale, but because of the strength of the individual. With unprecedented diversity and unfettered opportunity American exceptionalism is an inspiration, and available to all who are willing to put the effort into participating.
Talk radio saw two basic options: one candidate offering growth in government and thereby the advancement of the nanny-state, and one candidate reflecting a glimpse of the vision of America's greatness. One candidate views America as a cold, hard, mean place where the only goodness flows from government. The other sees it still as a bright place, largely filled with goodness, justice and opportunity.
In a nut shell... talk radio speaks to the freedom and opportunity of the individual. And it warns about the over-intrusive government, and those who will do just about anything to stay in power. Our dependence is required by them to do so.
As Reagan said: "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."