More than 200 military strategists and former strategists endorse Trump


way more than 200 names there. I win lol
Trump said that he would name "the best people" to his cabinet. But then the most strategic of the "best people" resigned or were fired by Trump and they almost all say that Trump is unfit to be president.

He is not mean or strong, he is just a doddering old fool that scowls at people. Putin, Xi and other world leaders do not fear him, they think he is a pathetic old fool that at best might be a useful idiot. he went to the UN and they laughed at him.
the military supporting the gop candidate is not noteworthy.

all those republicans supporting harris is amazing, it shows how terrible and anti-american a candidate trump is

way more than 200 names there. I win lol
Trump has tens of millions of real voter supporters compared to Kamala's millions. Kackles will need massive help from illegitimate votes to win just like Biden needed them.