More Fanny saga: Sex, lies, looting, and dammed videotaped evidence

You must have forgotten this.
Trump relinquished control of his businesses after he was elected but whatever money the Trump organization made from legitimate overseas business was no different from money made by Bloomberg or other billionaires who did business with foreigners.

The Biden family business differed in that there was no corporate structure, no tax structure, no legitimate banking accounts and so forth.
Trump relinquished control of his businesses after he was elected but whatever money the Trump organization made from legitimate overseas business was no different from money made by Bloomberg or other billionaires who did business with foreigners.

The Biden family business differed in that there was no corporate structure, no tax structure, no legitimate banking accounts and so forth.
Oops. You must have missed this. Read the constitution.

Again, just a bit more and still no charges agai at the Bidens.

And just to rub salt into your wounds, so let's not have any more of your childish denials. He is a fycking crook.

Oops. You must have missed this. Read the constitution.

Again, just a bit more and still no charges agai at the Bidens.

And just to rub salt into your wounds, so let's not have any more of your childish denials. He is a fycking crook.

Democrats wickedly persecute President Trump for unjust political reasons.
The same old wicked spirit in modern Democrat persecution of Trump was in KKK Democrats of yesteryear who would celebrate with joy the lynching of a black man without justification.
The KKK are now Trump sycophants regardless of their origins. That's undeniable. You said nothing when they were lynching people yet now it's suddenly a democrats fault. How convenient.
The KKK are now Trump sycophants regardless of their origins. That's undeniable. You said nothing when they were lynching people yet now it's suddenly a democrats fault. How convenient.
Some leftist liar has fooled you again. The Democrat-established KKK was not supported by majority Christians or Republicans in its beginning and it is not supported by majority God-honoring Christians and Republicans today.
Trump relinquished control of his businesses after he was elected but whatever money the Trump organization made from legitimate overseas business was no different from money made by Bloomberg or other billionaires who did business with foreigners.

The Biden family business differed in that there was no corporate structure, no tax structure, no legitimate banking accounts and so forth.
Trump relinquished NO CONTROL WHATEVER. He should have done so, but he deliberately did not.
There was a fiction that he put his son Donald Jr in charge, but then he hired the same son for a position at the White House.
Trump is a corrupt piece of excrement. Joe Biden has no personal business: he was a representative, a senator and vice president.
Trump relinquished NO CONTROL WHATEVER. He should have done so, but he deliberately did not.
There was a fiction that he put his son Donald Jr in charge, but then he hired the same son for a position at the White House.
Trump is a corrupt piece of excrement. Joe Biden has no personal business: he was a representative, a senator and vice president.
Whether he relinquished all or part control of his businesses is his business. He was no more obligated to divest himself from his businesses than Joe Biden was required to list all the secret bank accounts that were used to funnel millions of dollars from foreign governments through Biden family member bank accounts to their intended end recipient.
The LAW of the US do not allow a president to run a business. Trump has been in violation of that law since 2016.
Do you think the IRS is STILL auditing Trump's 2015 tax returns?
I say there was no such audit. And of course, he could have turned over his returns even if there were an audit.
Trump is a corrupt rapey conman and criminal.
His incontinent ass belongs in prison.
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Whether he relinquished all or part control of his businesses is his business.
When he becomes POTUS it becomes our business. He didn't do it.
He was no more obligated to divest himself from his businesses than Joe Biden was required to list all the secret bank accounts
What secret bank accounts? Biden wasn't president then. He can have as many as he likes and I'll bet not one is secret.

that were used to funnel millions of dollars from foreign governments through Biden family member bank accounts to their intended end recipient.
You have no proof of that old man. You're becoming more unhinged by the day. The paranoia is eating your guts out.
The LAW of the US do not allow a president to run a business. Trump has been in violation of that law since 2016.
Do you think the IRS is STILL auditing Trump's 2015 tax returns?
I say there was no such audit. And of course, he could have turned over his returns even if there were an audit.
Trump is a corrupt rapey conman and criminal.
His incontinent ass belongs in prison.
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The law does not allow politicians to carry on an under the table money laundering business with enemies of the state.