More Fanny saga: Sex, lies, looting, and dammed videotaped evidence

This is a stupid delaying tactic of Trump's legal team, They want all his trials to be [postponed AFTER the elections. They don't want voters voting against Trump because he is a convicted felon.
This is a stupid delaying tactic of Trump's legal team, They want all his trials to be [postponed AFTER the elections. They don't want voters voting against Trump because he is a convicted felon.
Democrats are desperate to get Trump unjustly convicted on bogus charges before he wrecks their barbarian bus in the 2024 election.
This is a stupid delaying tactic of Trump's legal team, They want all his trials to be [postponed AFTER the elections. They don't want voters voting against Trump because he is a convicted felon.
Yes, for the same reason BIDEN only took a physical. Have to hide his mental condition and hum being the big guy and his fake concern over illegals and can't have a president with his son in prison.
Yes, for the same reason BIDEN only took a physical. Have to hide his mental condition and hum being the big guy and his fake concern over illegals and can't have a president with his son in prison.
Each and every president has an annual physical, because that has been standard policy for a very, very long time.
And the results of presidential physicals are normally publicly announced.
You falsely claim that he took a physical because it had something to do with his son, Hunter
This is a LIE!
Biden's son has not even been indicted. Biden's son is not running for any public office.

Trump was adjudged to be a lying, slandering rapist and fined EIGHTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS for it.
In another court, Trump was judged to fraudulently conduct his business and fined THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS,'and banned from doing business in NY State.

Trump is also facing legal problems concerning Stormy Daniels, who Trump claims he has never had anything to do with,
attempted overthrow of the government in DC, stealing official documents in FL, and trying to suborn the GA secretary of state.

Silly old fool is Putin's prawn, and wants to destroy NATO and Obamacare and be a dictator,
Each and every president has an annual physical, because that has been standard policy for a very, very long time.
And the results of presidential physicals are normally publicly announced.
You falsely claim that he took a physical because it had something to do with his son, Hunter
This is a LIE!
Biden's son has not even been indicted. Biden's son is not running for any public office.

Trump was adjudged to be a lying, slandering rapist and fined EIGHTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS for it.
In another court, Trump was judged to fraudulently conduct his business and fined THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS,'and banned from doing business in NY State.

Trump is also facing legal problems concerning Stormy Daniels, who Trump claims he has never had anything to do with,
attempted overthrow of the government in DC, stealing official documents in FL, and trying to suborn the GA secretary of state.

Silly old fool is Putin's prawn, and wants to destroy NATO and Obamacare and be a dictator,
Yes Your not telling me anything I do not know and I know if joe had taken the test it would of either said he's fine or has a problem.
I know if I ws president running for reelection I would have taken it to end any questions about it .

His son has been charged and yes its is important as your are denying his guilt or innocence and we all know he's guilty has a bearing on joe as a man and a father also there is still the subject of the BIG GUY that they just admitted was Joe , I know it gave you a hard on him being fined 355 million but the fact is it will not stand and is a fine example of demo rats using the legal system as a weapon.
He didn't attempt to overthrow the government . Lets not forget how desperate have been they were talking about impeaching trump before he even was elected nd have tried several times and failed to do it , they paid for a fake dossier started all kinds of rumor even had actors like depp say when the last time a actor killed a president.
You claim to have a phd but are dumber then a rock lying or in denial.
Sounds like another Smirnoff to me.
The Democrats have charged their own FBI informant with lying about the date of the bribes he claim were made, but nobody has disproven the bribes. Bribery has been a well-known tactic of crooked Ukrainian businessmen that Biden family members have been associated with for years.

 Hunter Biden was serving on Burisma’s board (supposedly consulting on corporate governance and transparency) when Zlochevsky allegedly paid a $7 million bribe to officials serving under Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Vitaly Yarema, to “shut the case against Zlochevsky.” Kent testified that this bribe occurred in December 2014 (seven months after Hunter joined Burisma’s board), and, after learning about it, he and the Resident Legal Advisor reported this allegation to the FBI.
Lol immoral? Is she running for pastor?
No. She is running away from clear evidence of violations of ethical and moral standards for which she could legally be disbarred. Perjury in court is not like burping in the yard. It is a serious criminal offence.
No. She is running away from clear evidence of violations of ethical and moral standards for which she could legally be disbarred. Perjury in court is not like burping in the yard. It is a serious criminal offence.
Moral standards? What law has these moral standards? Quote it
The Democrats have charged their own FBI informant with lying about the date of the bribes he claim were made, but nobody has disproven the bribes. Bribery has been a well-known tactic of crooked Ukrainian businessmen that Biden family members have been associated with for years.

 Hunter Biden was serving on Burisma’s board (supposedly consulting on corporate governance and transparency) when Zlochevsky allegedly paid a $7 million bribe to officials serving under Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Vitaly Yarema, to “shut the case against Zlochevsky.” Kent testified that this bribe occurred in December 2014 (seven months after Hunter joined Burisma’s board), and, after learning about it, he and the Resident Legal Advisor reported this allegation to the FBI.
You must have forgotten this.